The Rest Of The Year

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 After a few minutes of chatting with them, they explained how they were going to have to go somewhere pretty soon and can't be late, so they left. Alissa seems like a nice girl. I'd definitely want to talk to her a little bit more.

We have a lot of plans for this summer. All of our jobs are pretty much scheduled around the same times, so it made it really easy to make plans for all of us. We were going to be doing quite a bit; going to the movies, a trip to the waterpark ((Don't judge us, we just like to go, and plus, Willow works there during the summer, so we get discounts on season passes)), going to the beach, etc. 

Willow was actually going to be gone for about 4 days at some point. She's going to Austria with her family to watch the Austrian Formula 1 Grand Prix. We were going to miss her, but it's ok. And it's just about 4 days. It was originally going to be a week, but they cut it, since her mom and dad have some sorta business thing going on at that time.

I love how we're actually able to do things together. I just wish that our families were still all alive. It was like a piece of us has been missing for quite a while now.

Michael and I went home about 10 minutes after Alissa and Evelyn had left. Michael's obviously my date to the dance. I'm just so glad that we're still together. So many relationships that other kids at our school have had only lasted about 2 - 3 months. It's like why even bother if you're going to have major issues with them, whoever they are.

It seems like everytime I'm at Circus Baby's now, I constantly feel something's watching me. Just stalking my every move. I can't focus. I feel like I'm about to die. But nothing actually really happens. But I know that something's going to happen. Pretty soon too. 

One of these days, my conscience is going to be correct. I seem to get closer and closer to the scooping room each day. My mind keeps telling me 'No' but something about that room just keeps on telling me 'Yes, go for it'. I'm not sure who to even think to believe or trust anymore. And the animatronics always seemed so... so irritable. Even though they actually don['t have that many human traits.

I went upstairs and looked around. The same as always. [Fav/ Music Artist And/Or Group ] posters. [F/C] walls. A bit of jewelry on the dresser. A picture of my family. I went over to my desk and picked up the frame. I miss my family. They're all gone. Nowhere to be seen. Somewhere over the rainbow. I sighed as I set the picture down. I just want them to come back. I just want to see them again, but I can't.


The dance.... Well, nothing really too special actually happened, so there's nothing that I really need to document about it. Michael was being such a gentleman, but when is he not, am I right?

The next few weeks of summer was actually pretty fun. We went to the waterpark on Saturday and we all got free sodas, so that was awesome... Well, I didn't really care for the sodas, but the fact that I got a discount on chicken nuggets though!

It was honestly a little bit embarrassing wearing my swimsuit in front of Michael, even though I'm used to him being around. I saw that one woman that had said something about my family, but she went away way too fast.


The rest of the summer was pretty much a blur. A bunch of us had movie night on Google Meets a lot of times. It actually worked out really well, since we're able to share our screens. We would just watch random movies and short films , mostly Disney though. You know, just stuff like Big Hero 6, Aladdin, Stargirl. 

There was one time when we'd dared Michael's friends, Terrance and Simon, to find a terrible movie to watch, which they ended up finding the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie. It's definitely not as bad as some that I've seen, but I just hate how it's not too similar to the actual gameplay of the Super Mario Bros. gaming series. No blue skies or gold coins, just Brooklyn, New York and traffic/.

Willow had left with her family to go to Austria and came back, but before we knew it, it was already time to start school again. I felt like it just flew by though. I still think that it's so weird how time goes by even faster than normal as you get older.

Our school year was going by really fast. Like, way too fast almost. And before we even knew it, it was already just 2 weeks away from Halloween. The student council ((of course)) had announced that they were going to be holding a school Dance on Halloween. Michael and I had decided to go with one of the easier couples costumes and just went as Rachel and Ross from Friends.

Thanksgiving this year was really weird. It just wasn't right. With just Michael and I, it was an awfully empty house this year. I guess that Mrs. Afton's family would normally come over, but we just didn't want to go through the hassle of inviting them all.

Not even 2 hours after midnight on Thanksgiving, people were already planning out their plans for Christmas and putting up their decorations. We waited until about 2 weeks afterwards to at least put up the Christmas tree. I guess that Mrs. Afton was one of those ones that would say that they were doing perfectly fine with the placements and such, but after she thought that everybody was asleep, she would get up and fix every single ornament and placement and such.

When we went to Circus Baby's one day, something was just telling me to go into the scooping room. Like, I felt like someone was actually calling out my name to get me to go back there. I told Michael that I'd be right back and started walking back there. This time though, I got even closer than the last. I was officially at the door now. 

A/N; Hey y'all. Sorry if that chapter wasn't all that good. My Social Studies class just learned about the Holocaust and it's just kinda hard to process for me. I'm trying to just do a few things that bring me comfort ((For example;: writing fanfics, meditation, etc.))" and focusing on the positives before my next class, so, yeah. Again, sorry if it was bad. My apologies if you're unsatisfied with this chapter, but I'm hoping to get more  published by tonight. Please have a wonderful day or night. 

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