Weddings and Memories

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 I woke up and was laying in my own bed. What the heck just happened? I thought to myself. I saw my best friend, [BFF's/ N], sitting next to me and Willow sitting across the room, scrolling through her phone. My best friend saw me and let out a relieved sigh. "Wills, she's up," she said.

"Oh, thank God," she said. "We thought that you were going to be out for months."

"Wait, what happened?" I asked.

"You just passed out. The song ended and then you just... well, you just collapsed," [BFF/N] explained.

"How long was I out for?' I asked.

"You were out for about 5 hours. It's your wedding day," she said.

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed, quickly sitting up.

"Relax," she said, putting her arm in front of me, stopping me from moving anymore. "It's 3 A.M.. You don't have to be up until at least 5." A wave of relief washed over me as I laid back down. We were going to be getting married at this one church , which was about an hour drive from where we were.

-------At the church--------------

Gosh, it's crazy. Everything's just happening so fast. Unfortunately, I obviously don't have my father to walk me down the aisle, but hey, it's ok to walk alone, right? I'm just so happy that I was able to find a wedding dress with a shorter skirt (It's just knee length, not too long, like a traditional wedding dress, but not too short like a miniskirt) and, drum roll please... POCKETS! I mean... the shorter wedding dress is awesome, but the pockets though! And they can actually fit more than just a tiny Carmex chapstick in them.

I got the dress on and [BFF/N] was just fixing my [H/C] hair and getting all of the whispies out of the way. "Alright... I think that we're good," she said after finishing. My friend, Kimmy, handed me the bouquet of flowers and smiled.

"I know that you're not my daughter, but my baby's growing up so fast!" Willow said. "Oh gosh, here come the tears." She started to tear up a little bit, but then her face went serious. "No, Willow Gwendolyn Schmidt, you will not cry today." I chuckled.

"Alright, we should probably get out there," Kimmy said. I gave them a thumbs up and as they left, I looked into the mirror at myself. Anyone could tell that I'm happy today. My [E/C] eyes were glistening in the light and I had the biggest smile on my face, but that smile was slowly fading. My family wasn't here. I could've been doing a fake smile for all that I know.

I straightened my shoulders to make myself look and feel at least a little bit more confident, but it wasn't much help. I sighed. I shouldn't be sad on my wedding day, but I just couldn't help being just a little bit down for today. But I'm sure that my family is up there watching me from Heaven. Or at least somewhere in the universe.

I was about to turn around, when I heard a very familiar voice say, "You look gorgeous, Sweetheart." I looked up into the mirror and saw a man standing behind me. He had brown eyes and light brown hair. His skin had a somewhat orange hue to it. "Dad?!" I exclaimed in confusion. I turned around, to see if I was just hallucinating, but he was there.

"Yes, it's me [Y/N]," he said. I ran up to him and practically jumped into his arms.

"I-I-I missed you so much!" I exclaimed, obviously tearing up. "Wait, but how are you here? And are the others here?."

"Well, I'll explain the first question to you later, but to answer your second question, look," he said, motioning towards the door. I looked over and saw my mom and Charlie standing there. My eyes widened.

"Mom?! Sis?!" I exclaimed, once again, in confusion. I got out of my dad's arms and sprinted over to the other 2. I hugged them both and my face was practically soaked in tears. Charlie definitely looked a lot older than she was when I last saw her. She looks like she's about 20 or 21. Somewhere around that age. My mom looked about the same as she did before she went missing , so that wasn't really changed.

((A/N; Of course the song 'Ophelia', by the Lumineers just has to be playing right when I'm writing this part of the chapter. I'm literally in tears! And due to something that I wrote! Is that even possible?!))

"Wait, are you guys e-e-even real? Or am I just dreaming?" I asked.

"Well, if you were dreaming, then how would you feel this?" Charlie asked. She gave me a playful punch in the arm that I actually felt. It was light, but I still felt it. I chuckled. My mother cupped my face in her hands and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Oh, honey... we weren't going to miss this for the world," she spoke softly. "We all love you so much and have missed you. But, don't you need to get out there?" I looked at the time.

"Oh, yeah," I replied. Willow then walked back out.

"Hey, where are you- wait, who's this?" she asked, pointing to me and my family.

"I'll explain later, but thanks for the reminder," I explained. Willow nodded her head in a way of saying 'Ah, okk' and then went back to where the reception was being held.

{Michael's POV}

Where was she? It's about 3 minutes after she was supposed to walk out. Willow went back to check on her, but she just walked back out. I looked down at my feet and then looked back up. I then heard music start playing. It wasn't the average "Here Comes The Bride" music, but the song [Fav/ Song]. ((A/N; Now, you may be wondering why I didn't just choose a specific song, it's just because of the fact that, well, it's your special day (technically) and I figured that I'd let you choose it. You're welcome!))

I then saw [Y/N] walking down the aisle. My face immediately lit up. I suddenly noticed that she was walking next to... Mr. Emily? He's alive?! I scanned the crowd and finally spotted Mrs. Emily and their youngest daughter, Charlie. How... did they survive? I could feel my hands shaking a little bit. I soon stopped shaking once [Y/N] was on the altar. I smiled as I gazed into her [E/C] eyes.

I'm just so happy. We're finally together. We said our vows and whatnot and when I finally heard the words 'You may kiss the bride', I dipped her and kissed her. I pulled away after a few seconds, bringing her back up and we walked back down the aisle.


A/N; Thank y'all so much for 1.9k reads! Almost to 2k! My face when I woke up and saw that the number went from 1k - 1.9k was all like: 

9k was all like: 

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