Chapter 1

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You were St Mungo's specialist on memory charm accidents and worked with the small number of patients who had lost their memory. It was one particular day when the manager of St Mungo's, Chris entered your office and sat in a chair in front of you.

"I have interesting news" he murmured.

"Interesting as good or bad?" you asked, putting down your quill and looking at the manager.

"You know Gilderoy Lockheart?" he asked.

"The celebrity?" 

"Yeah, well he is arriving in around an hour. He had had total memory loss" 

"How?" you asked confused.

"A wand backfired on him" Chris said. "When he was trying to memory wipe some kids"

"Doesn't sound like him" you said, "He is usually the nice type"

"Yeah, well apparently he stole all his success from other wizards then memory wiped them" Chris said.

"What a son of a bitch" you said. You knew how awful memory wipe magic was and how it affected the families of the affected. "But if he has practised that means he must be powerful at memory charms" you said. "and if he was going for the full one then this may be trickier than anticipated"

"I will leave it up to you" Chris said. "However this is a secret between us, the reason on why he is here. I don't want the rest of the staff knowing" 

"I will try my best but no promises" you murmured.

Chris nodded and walked out. He left the paperwork of Lockeheart's stay and you started to go over them until the time he was arriving where you stood and went down to the entrance bay. Lockheart had been taken from Hogwarts on the train and then driven to the hospital and now he stood. You walked up to the tall dashing man and smiled. 

"Mr Lockheart?" you asked. He didn't look at you. "Mr Lockheart?" you asked again, tapping him.

"Are you talking to me?" Lockheart asked down at you.

"Yes I am" you said with a smile. You had to be gentle with people who lost their memories or they would get confused and frightened which is not what you wanted. "Would you like to follow me?" you asked.

"I would like too" he said and started to follow you. "So I am Lockheart?" he asked, his brow furrowing. 

"You are Gilderoy Lockheart yes" you said with a smile.

"Oh" he mumbled. "I didn't remember that" 

You gave him a smile and lead him into the ward for those who lose their memory. There were only around three other admits in the ward and one looked up as you and Lockheart came in. "If you want to sit down" you said. "In the chair or on the bed" Lockheart got into bed and nuzzled up under the covers and gave you funny look. "I just need to ask a few questions" you said.

"Oh I love questions" he exclaimed. "I always love answering fans questions and signing things"

"Okay so that's good, do you remember why you were famous?" you asked.

"No. Was I famous?" he asked with a smile. "I know I am special"

"Well you are special" you said with a smile. "I already have letters"

"For me?" he asked grinning.

"Yes for you" you said. In the file there was already fan letters, somehow it was leaked to the press that Lockhart was in St Mungo's hospital.

"Well I wouldn't know why they would be writing for me." Gilderoy said. "but it was good of them to do to write. I don't think I can"

"Well, you can learn" you said smiling. "Do you remember your signature?" you asked. You handed him a piece of paper and he correctly wrote his signature. You smiled. It must have become muscle memory for him.

"Do you remember your family and friends?" you ask.

"Not really" he mumbled.

"How about when you taught at Hogwarts?" you asked.

"I used to teach?" he asked flabbergasted. "Wow"

"Yep you did. Defence against the dark arts" you said.

"Strange I don't remember" he mumbled.

"If you can remember anything else it will be great for you to say" you said, looking up at him. He looked at you from under the covers with a smile on his face. "I am not sure. I remember you from today"

"Great" you said smiling.

"Oh I remembered Dumbledore. I'm not sure what he has got to do with me, but you said I used to teach" Gilderoy said.

"Good" you said. "so if you need me my office is down the hall. Lunch is in two hours and you can chat to the others in the bay or even walk around the hospital but don't leave just incase you hurt yourself. Make sure you also stay away from some wings but they will be locked"

"Okay" Gilderoy said with dreamy eyes, they sparkled slightly and you stood and left the room. Gilderoy thought you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Granted he hadn't seen many people since his mind-wipe but he thought you were the best he had met so far.

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