Chapter 5

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Another two months and it was valentines day. The hospital was decorated with pink, red and hearts to celebrate it. It made you more glum, seeing everyone happy and in love. You were tired and had not had a break. You felt burnt out in every way and Gilderoy was not doing any better, he seemed to have hit a block in his memory regaining and didn't seem to develop from that. You told him to write a book about who he was but that seemed to not help his memory come back.

You trudged into work on valentines and greeted everyone before getting to your office and starting the day like every other day. Leaving the office after doing your paperwork you saw Gilderoy standing next to the door. "Hello Gilderoy" you said, smiling feebly.

"What is this?" he asked, pointing to one of the love hearts on the wall.

"It is hearts for Valentine's day" you said. 

"What is Valentine's day?" he asked confused.

"It is when you spend time with people you love" you said.

"Can I spend time with you then?" Gilderoy asked.

"Well I don't see why not, seeing as you have your monthly meeting with me today" you said.

Gilderoy nodded and went closer to the paper love heart and touched it and when it moved he brought his finger away. 

You went around all the patients, one had left so you only had three people to look after which put less stress on you. Finally getting to Gilderoy you ushered him into the meeting room and sat down.

"So" you started. "How have you been feeling?"

"Good" Gilderoy said.

"Do you remember anything more?" you asked. 

"I remember I met you before" Gilderoy said.   "I gave you something"

You nodded. "Yes you did" you said, bringing out the book and placing it on the table. Gilderoy raised his eyebrows and picked it up, opening it. "Magical me?" he asked.

"Yes it is one of your books"

"the last book I wrote" he muttered. Suddenly he put his hands to his head. You got up concerned. 

"Gilderoy?" you asked worried. "Gilderoy?"

"That's me" he said, standing, a grin on his face. He put his hand to his head again and fainted. You grabbed him and brought to you a cold water and rag, placing it on his forehead, dabbing against him. 

After a short while, his eyes opened again and he smiled. "Did I faint in the view of a beautiful person?" he asked. "Oh I must have done" he soot and pushed his hair back. "Gilderoy Lockheart at your service, it is good to meet you"

"(y/n)" you said shocked.

"Now (y/n), pretty name" he added. "I am confused about where I am. I was last at Hogwarts I believe"

"You are in St Mungo's" you said.

"Why ever would I be there?" he asked.

"I think you should sit down." you said and he sat.

You explained to him what happened and why he was there. You had done it though, got his memories back. Your theory was correct, you could write a book and be famous!

"let me get this right" Gilderoy said. "Everyone knows my secret, including the fans"

You nodded and he sighed. "That's me ruined then" he muttered. "Stupid wands. Right I want my robes, my wand and access to my bank account"

"Wait Gilderoy" you said as he stood. "There is still a risk that you have memory loss. If you want to leave you need to have a nurse with you"

"I am fine um Hilary was it?" he asked.

"No that is not my name" you stated. "You need a nurse with you"

Gilderoy huffed and sat down. "Where is the nurse who will?" he asked.

"I will" you said. "You have been my patient for five months"

Gilderoy seemed to shake at how long he had lost his memories and frowned. "Fine" he stated. "How long will you be around?" he asked. 

Hopefully, forever you thought. "Just until the symptoms cease but we cannot be sure when they will" you said. "Oh and one more thing. For trying to memory while two children your wand has been snapped and you are banned from using another"

Gilderoy stared at you. "No" he grinned. "No this can't be right" he chuckled. "Funny joke their Hilary"

"its (y/n)" you said "And I wish it was a joke"

"Get the paperwork done. I want to get out of here" he said harshly. "I am sure someone can get a wand for me. Not difficult" 

You shook your head and finished the paperwork, stamped it and smiled. "Done" you said smiling. "I will get your things and we can go"

Gilderoy sighed and rubbed his chin in annoyance. He was angry that his wand was broken and even angrier that he had to spend time with a person he did not know. He didn't remember the hours upon hours of you spending time with him to get his memories back, instead, he had five months of know knowledge of what happened. He sighed. How could this get any worse than it already was?

You got Gilderoy's stuff together and put them into a crate, ready to go to his house which was in a posh part of London. You took Gilderoy out of St Mungo's and into a taxi, he seemed skittish. He felt almost naked without his wand and he hated how defenceless he felt.

After a while of awkward silence, you looking up at Gilderoy to check if he was okay and him looking at you, trying to remember how he knew you, the taxi stopped and you paid the fare. You stood in front of a large luxurious house. You walked up to it and opened the door with the keys. The house was massive as you put the crate down on the side. There was a large image of himself on the wall which moved and laughed which was opposite an inside water fountain. 

"I am glad I am home" he said with a smile, he went upstairs and you followed him curious. "You can go now" he said. "All that stuff about you being a nurse and helping me out was a great ploy, but you can now go."

"That was not a ploy Gilderoy, I am staying until you have improved" you said.

Gilderoy's face fell and he sighed a long and defeated sigh. "Fine then." he snapped. "Spare room is that one" he pointed to a door at the end of the corridor. "But I am fine"

"Unfortunately this is nonnegotiable" you said 

Gilderoy mumbled something and shut the door behind him to what must be his room. You shook your head and went downstairs and took the crate to his room, knocking on the door you opened it to see Gilderoy getting changed.

"God I am sorry" you said, "I will leave the crate outside." you called. You went to the room he pointed at, pale. He was quite toned, his robes hiding his flat stomach and.... you tried to push him out of your mind, instead exploring the guest room. It was big and you were sure you would feel at home. Now all you had to do it wait and see how Gilderoy would cope, the whole wizarding world knowing his dirty secret.

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