Chapter 7

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(This chapter describes your life after the book)

Both you and Gilderoy had settled down together still living in his house in London. Gilderoy had turned to write muggle fantasy books based on the creatures of the wizarding world while you wrote books on gaining back memories.

Not all of the Wizarding world believed Gilderoy had recovered, you both had kept it quiet and most when they found out didn't believe that anyone could recover from a memory loss charm, refusing to believe the rumours. This allowed for Gilderoy to live without angry fans, and instead created the fanbase he craved from muggle readers. This brought back his old spark in his eye and his smile, happy that his ego was filled. Gilderoy's books always topped the bestseller lists and he became one of the most famous writers of the age, being loved by fans for the detail, adventures, creatures and plot.

You both decided to get married, Gilderoy wished for it to be a large affair, however, you managed to reign in his large fantasies and he settled with a smaller wedding in London. The entire thing was beautiful, a few select wizards and many muggles who you had made friends with attended. The whole thing was beautiful, the theme being gold and white, Gilderoy wished for only the best cake, dress, suit and wedding. He became a very detail-oriented wedding planner, making sure everything was perfect, which it was.

Around two years into the marriage, you decided to have children (either adopt or birth). Gilderoy was very proud of his children, pushing them and their magical ability when it showed, however, he was always very supportive of their decisions. Gilderoy loved to see his children succeed, having their pictures, trophies, certificates and other things he was proud of, placed in the centre stage of the house. You found this love of his children and of their achievements adorable, how he cooed over them and always found the time to spend time with them.

When it finally came for your children to go to Hogwarts, Gilderoy gave them a little pep talk before they went, telling them how proud he was of them and that they will achieve so much. When he watched them leave for Kings Cross you could see the slight tears in his eyes as he watched his pride and joys leave.

One of your children was sorted into Ravenclaw like their father, while your other child was sorted into Slytherin. When Gildoery heard the news he looked like he could burst at how proud he was for them and wished to be updated about anything important with your kids.

Time went on and your children developed at Hogwarts, the one in Ravenclaw becoming the head student while your child in Slytherin becoming the Quidditch captain. This news made Gilderoy almost burst again, he was terribly proud of both of his children, how they had achieved what he had and more in Hogwarts, that they had drawn attention to themselves as he had never achieved.

When your children left school, they both went into jobs at the ministry. You retired when your kids left Hogwarts while Gilederoy carried on creating books for muggles. Gilderoy at this point had created a series of four books and had included characters based on himself, you and your children. He found this funny and always liked giving himself in the book great achievements.

Life with Gilderoy was luxurious, Gilderoy demanding only the best for you and him. This sometimes was a little over the top, Gilderoy turning into a bit of a Karen over the smallest of things, he sometimes was like that to you, however, you always put him in his place when he did this. Gilderoy after a while would always apologise through a little note or a gift.

Gilderoy would also forget little things which was a long-lasting symptom of his memory loss, this led to him losing things that were right in front of his face and Gilderoy ending up either laughing at his mistake or getting annoyed at himself. You however would always remind him that his forgetfulness didn't really matter and that he always had you to find things for him. Gilderoy was always thankful for this fact, never forgetting how much you did for him and cared for him.

You both lived happily ever after.

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