Chapter 3: Day 3

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Day 3 (LEMON)

Pretty much on Day 2, Deidara didn't really have anything for me to do since Kakuzu wouldn't really let him near me, but I did do a few errands. But today, I had this funny feeling he had an idea.

I was in the kitchen, drinking a Dr. Pepper, and playing chess with Hidan. This was really amusing. I was waiting for him to make a move but all he did was glare at the pieces trying to concoct a plan. "AH-HA!," he moved his queen down to corner my king, "Try and top that fucking move!" I smirked, moved my rook, and merely stated, "Checkmate."

He slapped the table, "Checkmate my fucking ass! Let me see," he scanned the board with knitted eyebrows trying to see if he had a way out. At that point Deidara walked in and leaned on my chair. "Oh, playing chess? Did you beat him yet un?" I didn't have to say anything, Hidan glared at me and muttered, "You fucking cheated." Deidara smirked, "I take that as a yes un."

"How did I cheat?" I replied innocently. He muttered, pointing an angry finger at me, "I just know you fucking did. You wait until fucking next time; you'll get yours!" as he got up from the table and left the room. I sighed, "He's such a sore loser." Deidara nodded yes in agreement as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, by the way, I have something in mind for you today un." My eyes got big and I glanced at him, "Like what?" He had a huge devious grin as he said, "I'll let you know when un." I got up and smirked, "Whatever you say Sempai," as I left the kitchen.

It was bugging me all day! Nothing happened for hours so finally; I said shit with it and starting working my puzzle book in the living room. Around 6pm, everybody was there chilling, when I noticed Deidara kept looking at me with a mischievous grin.

I was like, 'Oh god, here it comes,' and tried to avoid eye contact. Well, Kisame got up and walked towards the kitchen and stopped at the doorframe, "Hey Olivia, do want something to drink while I'm in here?"

I looked at my glass next to me and it was indeed empty. I picked it up and smiled as I held it out to him, "Sure. I'll have some apple juice please." He smirked back and went in the kitchen. I was too involved in my puzzle book to notice Deidara's grin getting wider.

Kisame came back and handed me the drink, "Thank you," I replied as he said, "No problem," and sat back in his chair.

I saw Deidara grinning at me again, and it was starting to freak me out. I was about to drink my apple juice when I noticed something. I put the glass in front of my face and saw the bottom fizzing to the top.

I thought, 'he didn't.' I looked at Deidara and pointed at the glass. All he did was nod his head with that big ass grin. "What the heck you'd put in here?" as I pointed at the glass. This quickly got everyone's attention. Deidara shrugged, "Oh, it's nothing really. Just something I wanted you to try out un."

"Are you kidding? I'm not drinking this stuff, its drugged." I was panicking; trying to get me to take a drug and I have no idea what it is. He calmly replies, "It's perfectly safe and I know what it does un." I look at the drink and glance back at him, "Do I have to?" He nodded, "If you don't want the deal to be off un."

I sighed as I thought, 'I'm going to regret this. I'm glad Kakuzu and Hidan aren't back from their mission yet,' and started to drink it. I didn't taste anything different but I was still nervous. All of a sudden it hit me, "Kisame! You're in on this too?" He looked at me from across the room with a smirk, "Now, where did you get that idea?" I narrowed my eyes, "You went to get me the drink and Deidara wasn't with you to drug it." He shrugged, "So? I wanted to see this too."

I gapped at him but didn't say anything as I leaned back against the loveseat. I was shocked that Kisame helped Deidara drug me; but why? That couldn't be the only reason, could it? It wasn't even five minutes before I started to feel funny. Oh boy, here it comes!

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