*Chapter 5*

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(Kat's P.O.V.)

I looked around, absorbing the room.  I looked over at my best friend.  I did another glance around the room. 

"Kylee...Kylee..," I whispered, shaking her.  She stirred slightly.  I sigh as I half lifted, half dragged her outside.

I looked back to the house, no one noticed we were gone.  Thank goodness, I thought to myself.  As I opened the car door, I heard shuffling inside the house.  "Shit," I mumbled under her breath.

I placed Kylee inside the car, and ran to the other side.  "Kat," someone yelled.  I turned around, my stomach dropping.

I sucked in my breath, as Harry walked outside of the house, his black wings unfolded, "DON"T DO THIS," he yelled.  I shook my head as I got in the car and started the engine.

I looked in the rerview mirror to see 3 different sets of wings.  I closed my eyes and hit the gas, driving out of the the awful nightmare.

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