*Chapter 1*

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~ Kylee's P.O.V. ~

"KYLEE," I heard my best friends, Niall Horan and Katherine Fox, but everyone calls her Kat,  yell.  I shut my locker and turned to see them running toward me.  "Move it Malik," I heard Kat snap.  I laughed softly, "Hi guys," I said.  "Hey babe," Niall said kissing my cheek.  "Hiya," Kat said, kissing my other cheek.

"Gross you guys," I said wiping my cheeks.  They looped their arms through mine as we walked down the hall.  "Hey Foxy," we heard a voice yell.  We slowly turned around to see Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik leaning against their lockers.

"I think your ass is blocking up the hallway," Louis yelled, high-fiving Zayn.  "Hey Lou, I think your little friend is excited to see my big ass," Kat said sweetly, blowing a kiss toward him.

Louis blushed and pushed Zayn as they stormed off in the other direction, "C'mon," Louis mumbled, gritting his teeth.  We watched as they left, laughing as we continued on our way.

"I don't know how you deal with him," Niall laughed as we got to my car.  Kat shined her nails, "It's a gift, he loves me, I hate him."  "Well... I think it's the other way around," I said smirking. 

Kat glared at me from the backseat, "Haha aien't you funny, we all know he loves me."  "Yea, you and your big ass," Niall laughed.  "Can we please leave my bum out of this now," Kat whined, "Please."  But that only caused Niall and I to loose it agian.  By the time we got to my house, Niall and I were nearly in tears from laughing so hard.

"Hey Ky..." Kat slowly said.  "Yea," I asked inbetween giggling and trying to breathe again.  "Who's the creepy guy in your yard."  My head snapped up to see a figured dressed in all black.  The tall, handsome stranger looked at me.  "Harry," I whispered.

"Harry?!" Kat exclaimed, unbuckling her seatbelt and leaning forward, "No way."  "Where I see nothing,"  Niall asked, looking around.  "Well... he was right there," Kat answered, quieitly, slowly getting out of the car.  I slowly got out of the car too, scaning my neighborhood, but no one was out and about.

"Maybe it was a shadow," Niall said, shutting his car door with a bang.  "Maybe," I whispered. "C'mon, let's go, just incase it was some kidnapper," Kat said walking towards the door.  Niall looked at Kat with a smirk, "Afraid they want you and your big ass."  The two argued as they walked toward the house.  I followed along quietly.

I stepped infront of Kat as we got to the door, unlocking and opening it for my friends, while they went inside, I stayed out, and looked around one more time.

This time when I turned around, I saw a single black feather at the end of my driveway.  I looked to the sky, thinking it might have fallen from a bird, but no such creature was around on this bright and sunny day.  Cautiously, I walked to the end of my driveway, and bent down to pick up the feather.

It was coal black, and shined it the sun.  The feather was warm to the touch, and soft like silk.  I stood up and slowly started to walk back to the house.  "KYLEE," Kat yelled, I looked up at her.  "You ok," her warm brown eyes met mine.  All I could do was nod as I met her at the door, "Alright then," she said, sharing a small smile with me.

Together, Kat and I walked into my house, Kat and Nialls stuff already thrown on my couch, so I threw my backpack there as well.  I saw the T.V. was on, half the lights were on, but Niall was no where to be found, "Kitchen," Kat and I said, sharing a look.  A giggle burst out of our lips as we headed to find Niall.

Not surprised to see Niall making a sandwhich, his mouth full and covered in crumbs.  "You guys want one," he asked, pointing at the food he had created.  Kat and I denied, smiling at our friend.  "Your loss," Niall said, grabbing his food, as we went back into the living room.

Kat flipped to the news as she and Niall sat down, I remained standing, trying to shake the feeling that I wasn't being watched.  I looked out the window, getting lost in thought.  "Kylee..." Niall whispered.  I looked at him, but all he did was point at the T.V.  The local reporter, Barbra Snow was standing in the cemetary, talking about a dug up grave.

"It seems we've had a grave robbery in our small town ladies and gentlemen," she said turning toward the dug up grave.  "It appears young Harry Styles grave has been destroyed."  I felt my stomach drop, "I'm going to be sick," I whispered, rushing to a bathroom.

I heard Kat yelling my name, but I had to get out of that room.  As I entered the bathroom, I threw my self over the tub, waiting for my stomach to relax.  "Ky..." Kat said, gently.  "I'm fine," I said, but it didn't sound like it, and I know she heard the sadness in my voice. 

"It'll get easier," she said, sitting down next to me.  I hugged her as I started crying, "But when, when?  It's been a year," I sobbed.  "Shh..." she hushed, "You loved him just as much as he loved you.  It'll take time."  I contiuned sobbing for what seemed like hours. 

When I was done crying, Kat released me, looking at me with concern.  "It'll be alright, you miss him, and that ok," she said, smiling a small smile.  I smiled back, "I know... I just wish he was still here,"  "We all do," Kat said, standing up, "C'mon, lets go before Niall eats all the food."  I laughed as I stood up, wiping my eyes, as we walked downstairs to try and rescue some food for us.


Hey!  Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been very busy studying with exams.  I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Any comments or questions anyone has, please feel free to ask.  I'd like your input on whether or not you were confused or if you think that this is a really good story.

I'll try and update as soon as I can!  - Thank you for taking the time to read this too! :)
Also I'm sorry if this is really long... some chapters and authors notes might be long...others not so much.

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