Chapter 8

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(Kylee's P.O.V.)

"Oh shiz nuggets, I think we are in trouble," Kat whispered, her brown eyes wide. I nodded slowly as I watched the four boys come toward us.

"Put your head down," I mumbled through my teeth. Kat quickly put her head down, listening me for once in her life. "Ladies," a deep voice said.

I looked up into a pair of deep brown eyes. "I'm Liam," the brown eyed boy said. Niall waved from behind him and held up a thumbs up. I could almost hear Kats eyeroll.

Zayn and Louis smirked as the boys sat with us, squishing us against the window. Niall began to chew on left over fries. Kat moved her basket of food as Louis reached for some. I giggled softly as I heard her growl 'Mine' at him.

"So what exactly do you guys want," I asked, trying not to let sass slip into my words. Liam sent a smile my way "Well for one thing - we, Harry -" I sucked in my breath at his name, " - want to protect you."

Kat scoffed, holding her food above her head as Niall and Louis fought trying to get food. "Save us from who?" Zayn's smirked dropped "Well... that's debatable at the moment." All of a sudden gunshots were heard, breaking the glass. "Get down," Zayn yelled, pulling me to the ground.

*Authors note*
Heyyy guys, I'm so so so so soooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in like forever. School just got sooo busy and well I'm out now so I will try to update for you all.

I wanna thank everyone who has read this book. It means so much to mean..and not to be rude but could you tell me what you think of this honestly.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Happy Father's Day too!! Until next time :)

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