Chapter 9

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(Harrys P.O.V.)

"Where did they go," I mumbled to myself. The boys had disappeared hours ago and I had no idea where the were. Even Liam was gone.

I shook my head as I looked into the mirror. My green eyes looked back at me. I looked ill, my face and body were so skinny. I flapped my wings gently, even they looked weak.

I growled and stormed out of the bathroom, my phone ringing. Louis name flashed on the screen. "Hello,"I answered, a scream answered me back. "HAAARRYYYY," she yelled.

"Kylee," I breathed. "Help us," she whispered, I could hear her tears as she talked to me.

"Where are you, " I asked, racing around, trying to get out the door. But the line went dead. "Dang it." I growled, stepping outside and flew trying to find my love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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