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"What? Why are you laughing?" Cassius said.

"Please don't tell me you are going to do something that you shouldn't," Sam said.

"Relax, I'm a blessed child! I would never do something bad! Pfftt,"

"Oh gosh...what is your plan?" Cassius asked.

"Simple I'll bring a very bad memory back and they will have to hate me," I said with a wicked smile.

"They will have no choice but to hate me!"

"What memory are you bringing back?" Sam asked.

"Oh you'll see, and you will be able to experience my top notch acting skills first hand," I replied.

After my conversation with Cassius and Sam I headed to the training field where the duke and Asten were training.

It seems like the duke is really keeping tails on me, ever since I walked out of my room there's been knights following me and even my glares and commands can't make them stop following me.

'Uhh, this is troublesome.'
I guess I'll have to make them hate me pretty bad so when I leave they will be happy about it.

~In the training grounds~

"Father are you afraid she's going to do something more drastic?" Asten asked.

"Yes...I don't know what to do anymore(sighed) she was fine a few days ago and out of nowhere she starts hating everyone's guts, even the prince's!" The duke replied.

"Did you hear what she said this morning?"

"Yes..." Asten replied.

"I guess she's finally fed up with the bullshit the prince has been giving her," Asten added.

"She said it was fine and that she was fine," the duke replied.

"Well it's kind of dumb to believe that! Who would be fine with their fiancé not giving a crap about them and on top of that cheating on them?" Asten replied.

"Stop following mean or your heads will roll!" I shouted at the knights who were following me.

"Bianca bring me a sword!"

"Miss-s..." Bianca said in a panicked voice.

"If I win to one of you at a sparring then you must stop following me!" The knights looked shocked and Bianca almost fainted as we entered the training grounds.

"Come on, which one of you will battle me?"

"M'lady we cannot do this!" The knights exclaimed in union.

"I am commanding you! Am I not the lady of this house anymore!"

"What is going on here? The duke asked making me startle.

"Good your here! Tell your man to stop following me around or I will torture them to death!" I shouted extremely angry making both Asten and duke widen their eyes.

"No can do sis, we don't want to bury you. We will leave that job to your children," Asten said.

"Why do you care if I'm dead or not? If I die just dump my body in the fire," I replied.

They looked shocked at my words and now comes the final part that rage will fill their eyes and heart.

"You guys are funny! Never cared for me my whole life but then when I suddenly wanna join mother you guys are against it,"

They widened their eyes by the name that hasn't left Crystal or any of the Acampora's mouths for years.

"Oh and big bro do you know why you hate me so much? Do you know why every time you see me you want to rip my heart out and feed it to the pigs?"
He widened his eyes in shock by the fact that I knew.

"Well guess what, that's because I killed our mother!"

"Crystalline!" The duke exclaimed.

"Oh duke don't worry I think we are old enough to learn the truth behind mom's death. Go ahead tell him that I killed your precious wife because of my selfish self! Now you can call me monster with reason, see Asten I'm not that useless,"

"Is that true father?! Did you lie to us about mom? Why did you do that?" Asten felt into the ground and I could see in his face he was starting to get his memories back.

"How did you find out?" The duke asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter how!" I replied and tears started to fall down my face.
Now I could totally understand that Crystalline was still in this body, our minds had colluded and now are one. I can feel her pain and all the emotions she ever felt.

'It hurts..."

I started crying without a care and I could feel my mana getting out of control, I could feel Crystalline's power urging to get out and then it did.
All I could see was a bright light and then I blacked out.

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