Warmth | Choerry

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Choi Yerim (Choerry) X fem!reader
Genre: fluff

"I miss her," Yerim pouted, leaning onto Jinsoul's shoulder,
"You'll get to see her soon, this is literally the last day of promotions," Jinsoul replied, lightly patting Yerim's head,
"Yeah, plus Y/N texted you this morning telling you she'll come over the next day, after you arrive," Haseul smiled.

Yerim, was currently being driven back to her dorm, Jinsoul, Haseul, Chuu, Yves and Heejin all in the same car. Everyone was exhausted as they had just finished their promotions which was tough work, and a certain someone hadn't seen her girlfriend in 2 weeks and was extremely eager to capture her in a tight cuddle, but all she could do right then was rest and wait for the next morning.

- Time skip (next morning) -

Yerim woke up quite energized, she slept better than ever, she turned around and was met by a Yeojin sleeping peacefully on her own bed how small can this girl get.

Yerim quickly finished her morning routine and headed towards the dining room, where breakfast was being served,
"Y/N called, she'll be over in about 30 minutes so get ready, and good morning sunshine" Haseul told Yerim, placing Yerim's breakfast infront of her,
"Thanks Unnie," Yerim smiled at Haseul,

Yerim didn't take long to finish her breakfast, she was now relaxing in the living room with Hyejoo and Kim Lip, playing none other than PUBG on their phones, Yerim and Lip being carried by Hyejoo in the game.

About 15 minutes had passed by when a knock could be heard by the door,
"I'll get it!" Yerim announced ecstatically,
She opened the door to see her tall girlfriend, Y/N.

"Y/N!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH," Yerim yelled jumping onto you and clinging on like a koala, you just patted her head, holding her close.
"I missed you a lot too, Yerim," you replied, smiling, "But now I'm here so you don't need to worry,"

Yerim dragged you into the house, you briefly greeted everyone and they replied with a quick 'welcome' or 'we missed you', you were great friends with the members, you guys were like family or best friends, Haseul was literally family, she's your older sister.

Yerim brought you into her room, immediately sitting on her bed gesturing for you to copy, and you did, you sat beside her as comfortable silence filled the air.
"Scratch this, I miss your warmth come cuddle me baby," Yerim spoke eagerly, you hummed I'm response and pulled her in for a warm cuddle,

"Do you want me to stay over?" You asked,
"Yes please, I'm pretty sure the others don't mind," Yerim replied, still in your comfortable embrace,
"Alright, I'll bring my things over afterwards,"

Yerim nuzzled her face into your neck taking in your sweet cherry perfume, her favorite.
You placed a small peck on her forehead, caressing her soft hair,
She looked up and met your eyes, your orbs illuminating with a soft expression,

She leaned in and captured your lips in a slow loving kiss, your kissed back almost immediately, missing the way her lips felt against yours, savoring every moment.
Yerim wrapped her arms around you neck as yours remained at her waist, tilting her head slightly to deepen the kiss,

After a while, you both pulled away, breathing heavily while resting both your foreheads against each other's,

The comfortable silence was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door,
"Oi Lovebirds, come out we're going shopping," Yves yelled smugly,
"Coming unnie!" You both replied in unison, then giggling at the interruption.

Once you both got ready, you left the room and joined the others at the living room,
"I'm glad we can finally go shopping, there's been a few things on my to-buy list," Heejin spoke,
"Yeah~ I saw these mittens in the shape of a cat's paw and I've been waiting to get it," Hyunjin agreed,
"lol furry," Gowon interrupted, it was followed by a pissed Hyunjin chasing her around the dorm while others were either laughing or rolling their eyes,

"Y/N I've also been wanting to get a few things," Yerim faced you tugging onto your arm,
"And what might those be Princess," you asked as Yerim blushed lightly at the nickname,
"I saw these couple lockets that have cherry engravings on them, OH and these matching bat rings, AND THIS SUPER CUTE BEAR HAT THAT WOULD LOOK ADORABLE ON YOU," Yerim rambled,
"Well if you want it that badly we'll get it," you replied giggling at your girlfriend's cute tendency to get loud and excited when she's speaking about something interesting she saw, you never minded, you loved seeing her happy.

"Thank you Y/N, I love you so much I'm sure it'll look great on us!" Yerim smiled brightly, followed by her peppering kisses on the side of your face.

"Ahem, lovebirds," Vivi interrupted, while everyone stared at you both, it soon broke into a wave of laughter while you and Yerim giggled and apologized sheepishly,
"Don't worry about it, let's go now~" Yves teased holding the car-keys in the air while Vivi stood beside her smiling,

And that's how the day went, you and Yerim showering each other with tons of affection and the others observing and fangirling over the bright couple, You and Yerim were an inseparable pair.

Hi I haven't updated in a while lmao, BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIPPIE 🦉
I had another Choerry draft but it was boring so I stopped after the 10th line 💀
Anyways hope y'all are doing well :)

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