Personal Trainer | 2jin

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Kim Hyunjin x Jeon Heejin
Genre: fluff

"Hyunjin!!" Heejin yelled from the bedroom,
"What," Hyunjin yelled back, disinterest being clear in her tone.
"Come spend some time with me please," Heejin whined,
Hyunjin let out a sigh, "baby, I'd love too but I'm working out,"
"You've been doing way too many push-ups it's time for a break!" Heejin groaned,

It's true, both Heejin and Hyunjin were very enthusiastic about their health and their work out routines, they both even met at the gym, they were a very athletic couple, but of course they always knew when to put their job aside when it was 'alone time',

Hyunjin was the captain of a girls-only basketball team, whereas Heejin was the captain of a girls-only baseball team, they were very well known as they both did participate in the national championship/team for their individual sports. But that never distracted or interrupted their relationship, their love for each other was unconditional.
But if you asked them, Heejin would always say she was better at balancing the two, and you'd agree with her.

"Give me 20 more minutes, please baby," Hyunjin cooed, at this point Heejin was in the room standing in-front of the hallway.
"No, now get up," Heejin demanded, Hyunjin just ignored her and continued her push-ups, surprisingly, she never got tired, no matter how many push-ups she did.
Heejin let out a loud groan and leaned back onto the couch, she stared at her girlfriend for a few seconds before giving up and turning on her phone.

Hyunjin did a few other exercises before going back to push-ups, Heejin was about to fall asleep from how bored she had felt, until an idea popped up in her head.

Heejin started feeling really proud of herself, a slight smirk formed or her face and she got up,
"Hyunjin-ah, get up, you can continue your push-ups just get up," she asked, "I just need to do something," she added on before grinning ear to ear.

"Okay.." Hyunjin complied, slightly skeptical, but what was the worst thing that could happen?

Heejin laid down and pulled Hyunjin harshly towards her, hyunjin's arms positioned beside each side of heejin's head, Heejin placed her hands on Hyunjin waist, pushing it up by the slightest to make it seem like Hyunjin was about to do a push-up, which was exactly heejin's plan.

"Now, every 5 push-ups you do, you get a kiss from me, it's a win-win situation, you can work out and I'll get the affection I need," Heejin beamed, "and I'll get to be your personal trainer," Heejin added with a smirk.

Hyunjin was blushing quite a lot, she liked the idea of she were to be honest, Heejin was smart when it came to this, but it was the first time she'd suggested well.. this.

Hyunjin started doing her push-ups, avoiding eye contact and looking at everything except the shorter woman underneath her,
"1-2-3.." Heejin counted, watching her girlfriend bring her face closer to hers and then back up,
"4.. 5!" Heejin exclaimed, placing a quick peck on hyunjin's lips, Hyunjin was smiling a lot, like a lot.

This motivated her to do her push-ups faster, she realized how foolish she was rejecting her girlfriend's affection at the first place, this was nice, very nice to Hyunjin, and Heejin of course.

"10!" Heejin smiled, placing yet another kiss on her girlfriend's lips,
"15!" She counted again after a while, she pulled Hyunjin's face in to give her another, more longer, kiss.

By the time Hyunjin had reached 30 she had given up, she just wanted heejin.
"I give up," Hyunjin groaned, but she did it happily, she let herself gentle lay on Heejin and she shared a long slow kiss with Heejin, Heejin snaking her arms around Hyunjin and pulling her closer.

After a while, they both pulled away, Heejin sitting up causing Hyunjin to straddle her lap,
"Let's watch a movie," Heejin asked, caressing hyunjin's cheek.
"I'd love that, baby," Hyunjin smiled, before hugging her once again.

Hyunjin sat down on the couch with Heejin, cuddling each other as Heejin looked for a movie to watch, this was both of their favorites, cuddling each other and having no distractions,

Hyunjin turned her head to admire heejin's side profile, and oh boy was she gorgeous, Hyunjin was extremely lucky and so was Heejin,

"Stop staring, my love," Heejin teased, causing hyunjin to blush,
Heejin turned her head to face hyunjin's and leaned in to give her a quick peck on the lips,

"Is this fine?" Heejin asked, pointing at the Tv screen,
"Of course," Hyunjin smiled, nuzzling her face into heejin's neck.

Heejin played the movie as they both started watching, still cuddling each other.
It went on for a few hours until Hyunjin fell asleep, Heejin got herself and Hyunjin ready for bed and went off to sleep.

Heejin did plan on proposing to Hyunjin soon, and of course she did, it went amazing, they're now wives of 2 years, you could say they were living a happy ever after, because they definitely were, the athletic couple never left each others' side and always loved each other, they were the power couple, as said but their school mates, Choerry and Haseul.

I feel like my stories get extremely corny lmao, pls drop requests I'm slowly running out of ideas TT
And I'll be sure to make a chapter for the remaining members!! This was a quick plot that popped up and I didn't want to forget it :]

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