Ship | Haseul

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Requested by: @FelizAniverseesaw

Jo Haseul x Fem!Reader
Genre: fluff (+ comedy)
(Uhh 😭 custom!au? Idk the only person planet stranded ship crew au 🧍‍♀️)

Haseul POV

I found myself laying flat on a very uncomfortable stretcher with a pulsing headache, not remember a single thing that had happened before I woke up, nor knowing where I had woken up in.

Of course, the first thing that would come to mind is 'Where am I?' But it seems that no one was with me,
My curiosity taking the lead, I looked around the building I was in, not a single sound but my footsteps were heard, not a single breath, not a single living being, it was just me.

But there's got to be someone, why would I wake up in a stranded world? I'm not alone, right?
Well I couldn't have been more incorrect,

I left the building and walked towards the streets, the buildings had been rotting and some were absolutely collapsed, the place looked dull and lifeless, and it was, there was no one but me.

I felt really overwhelmed in the moment, I wasn't able to process anything, it felt all so unreal, I was waiting to wake up from a really bad nightmare, but I didn't.

Months nearing a year had passed, I was by myself, confused and alone, the silence drove me crazy,
When I tell you I was becoming delusional, I was, I started talking to the walls, they're some sort of company.

I woke up one morning, expecting the usual, my hopes died down long ago.
I decided to lay by the beach, there was some sort of motion from the waves, it was rather calming.

Few hours passing by and nothing much happened, until I started seeing a big silhouette in the distance, it was blurry because of the haze but it was definitely coming towards me.

I got up and squinted, trying my best to see what was coming towards me, as it passed the haze the silhouette got clearer, it was a ship!

Excitement rushed through my body as I rapidly started shouting, the ship was coming really close.
I ran around in search of something I could throw at the ship, I picked up a stick and aimed it towards the ship, once I threw it, it managed to get on the deck and capture a pink haired girl's attention.

She looked around and noticed me, making direct eye contact with me before yelling at her crew mates with wide eyes.

Three more girls ran up to her, two girls that, I couldn't help but notice, looked like a couple and another short girl that seemed quite young.

Once they had spotted me, another tall girl walked behind them, I swear it isn't because I haven't seen another human in years, but this girl was so gorgeous my eyes were glued onto her, she saw me and gave me a small smile, they let a ladder down and told me to climb.

I followed and reached the deck, immediately surrounded by the 4 girls while the tall one looked at me,
"she's quite cute," she whispered, I felt myself blushing slightly.

"Hello, it seems that you're one of the few humans on this planet, My name is Y/N, and you may be..?"
"Haseul, Jo Haseul,"
"Why hello there Haseul, welcome to the crew, but before we proceed, tell us about yourself,"

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