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"You're somebody else"

- Flora Cash


M/N called the police and soon they arrived, and saw his friend's ex-girlfriend outside who looked and sounded like a mad person. He heard the police knock on the door "Sir please open up" He walked over to the door and opened up, he saw the girl behind one of the police officer looking all innocent "Sir we've been called two times to the same address what is this about? This lady is saying that you hurt her" M/N kept his straight face and said: "No I didn't, she-" The girl interrupted M/N and faked her tears "Liar, you hit me!" The police officer looked back at M/N and said: "Do you've any proof that you didn't?" M/N smirked and looked at the girl "Oh we do, come inside I won't let this girl get away with this" They walked inside and waited for M/N's to come back with the CCTV-recording. Footsteps were heard from the stairs, it's a fresh up and yet a tired Jeongguk "M/N what's going on?" Jeongguk looked at the police officers and panicked a bit, and said as good as he could "Ah hello" He bowed down and slowly stood next to M/N, one of the police officers asked: "Hello, foreigner?" Jeongguk nodded as he recognized the word "Yes ehm, South Korea" The police officer nodded and smiled "Very handsome I must say" M/N laughed a bit when Jeongguk blushed at the comment and hidden his face away in M/N's shoulder.

M/N's friend came down the stairs with a tablet "I see that the police is already here, good morning sirs" Gave one of the police officers the tablet and together they saw the recording, Jeongguk was confused - what was going on? "M/N what's going on, why is the police here?" M/N turned to Jeongguk and said: "This girl is being homophobic and broke into the house. It's my friend's crazy ex-girlfriend" Jeongguk nodded and looked at the girl, the girl only looked at him with a nasty face, he knew that look - another racist person. "You're not allowed to record me without my permission!" The girl looked at her ex-boyfriend "This is a CCTV, we've got that for a reason - because crazy people like you come around and won't leave again" The girl knew that now she was caught "I don't see him hitting you, or anything else. We only see you being homophobic and for sure gender-discriminated" The girl looked at M/N and said: "It's fake! I never did that!" "Girl, you did and we've got the proof so leave this house and never come back" The girl barked back: "You freaks, faggots! You're all discussing, even this ching chong dude!" Jeongguk knew that name, and he wanted to punch her right in the face, the police officer gave the other one signal to take the girl and turned to M/N "We'll take her away don't worry, you're more than welcome to press charges up to the next 48 hours" "Now lady, you're getting arrested for being homophobic, racist, gender-discriminated and breaking into someone else's house" They pushed the girl out of the house and wished the others a good morning.

"I wanted to punch her in the face when she called Jeongguk a ching chong and called you a faggot" His friend said and looked out of the window - and saw his ex-girlfriend being driven away from their house "Same, I don't see why you even liked her in the first place" "Me too, I never did. She had some dirt on me, so I had to but lucky me she left me after she found out about my music and dream" His friend chuckled and walked back upstairs "Now let me call my lovely girlfriend and manager about this moment" M/N laughed, his friend's girlfriend would go to the police station and beat the crazy girl's ass that she didn't even have. 

"Want some breakfast?" Jeongguk said and walked to the kitchen, the older followed behind and wrapped his arms around the younger "Sure if you make it" 

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