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- Merry Christmas! -


"It feels so cold like winter. It's August and not December" 
- BTS 


Silence... That was the only thing that was filed in the car... 

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that..." M/N signs and started driving again as the traffic light turned green. "I- I... it's fine" Jeongguk signs and looks outside the window and continues in a low voice: "But yes I do..." The younger hoped that M/N didn't hear him, but M/N did hear his low voice. "Do you know why?" M/N asks not looking at Jeongguk, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Jeongguk looks onto his lap and signs yet again.

He didn't know why. He wanted to know why, but it was like his head and heart hasn't opened up to him yet, his heart opened up to himself when he was younger and found out his passion for singing, then it closed again and it hasn't opened up to him... 
"No, I don't why but trust me I want to know why" Jeongguk feels a hand over his thigh and he moves his eyes over to see M/N's hand softly gripping onto his thigh.

"If you ever need someone to talk with I'm here Jeongguk, remember that... Don't ever keep something to yourself, share it with someone I can feel that you need it..." M/N says and stops the car yet again "Thank you M/N- ...Should I call you hyung?" M/N laughs and looks at Jeongguk "Since I'm older, then you should. And it sounds cute when you say hyung" Jeongguk blushes and smiles.

"Anyway I see your members waiting for you, maybe you get out to them" Jeongguk and M/N look outside, and M/N was right his members were waiting for him. Jeongguk turns around to look at M/N-hyung and says: "Maybe I should, btw thank you for yesterday I haven't gotten such a peaceful sleep in a while..." M/N smiles and holds Jeongguk's hand to say: "No problem Jeongguk, just call me when you want to" Jeongguk can't help but stop his smile for growing, his grip on his hyung's hand tights not wanting to let go. Knowing that he won't see M/N again in a very long time...

"Can you follow me out? I don't wanna say goodbye here... It doesn't feel right" M/N nods and gets out fo the car with Jeongguk following. M/N gets on the same side of the car as Jeongguk "Hyung... Can I get a-" Jeongguk didn't get to finish his sentence before M/N hugs him, the warmness that is coming from M/N is making him want to stay like this forever. He hugs back and smiles into M/N's shoulder.

"Jeongguk!- Oh sorry did I interrupt something?" Jeongguk looks up from M/N to see Jimin-hyung running over to him... "No, you didn't hyung., btw meet my friend M/N-hyung. M/N-hyung meet Jimin-hyung" The two boys let go of each other and M/N shook Jimin's hand "Hello Jimin, nice to meet you..."  

Jimin and M/N got to talk for a good two minutes before Jimin and Jeongguk had to leave for the meeting. "Looks like we should say goodbye now, call or text me when you're out of the meeting, okay?" Jeongguk nods and hugs M/N again. "Goodbye hyung, stay well until we see each other again. Hopefully..." "We will Jeongguk, I have a good feeling about it. And if not I will make sure we will..." 

The two let go and parted their way. When Jeongguk got over to his members, one of them asked: "Who was that handsome guy?" Jeongguk blushes and says: "A friend of mine" "Wah~ He is handsome-" "NOT AS HANDSOME AS ME!~" Jeongguk shook his head at the oldest.

He looks back at where M/N's car was parked a minute ago. He smiles and signs, he really wants to meet him again "Jeongguk is that your hoodie?" 

Jeongguk looks down to see him wearing a black hoodie, that he is 100% sure about is M/N's hoodie, he smelled it and he was right, it was M/N's hoodie. He guessed that M/N gave it to him last night and forgot all about it. 
And him wearing a hoodie that smelled like M/N was a nice feeling... And he didn't know why


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