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"Laughing on the outside"
- Bernadette Carrol


Months passed and Jeongguk never stepped into the hole again, but he was tired - he and the other members needed a break, he and M/N had talked every night even if Jeongguk was tired a few minutes mattered. Today it was the last concert for the tour in Asia, sadly M/N had told Jeongguk that he couldn't be there - his friend had just finished his new song and for the next days, it was all about the music video. And since M/N had become the manager he had to be there and make sure everything was fine. And it was true, but as cliche, as it sounded he didn't tell Jeongguk that the music video already was done, and the night before the concert he landed in South Korea to surprise Jeongguk. He had already talked to Jeongguk's manager about it, and he got good seats so that Jeongguk could see him if he looked closely. 

M/N woke up concert morning and went out to a flower shop to get Jeongguk a beautiful flower bouquet, red and white roses. Pulled them into a paper bag that he could carry to the concert - before he left for South Korea he got developed images and made it into a small photo book - pictures of them together, the places they went and some of their facetime calls. He pulled the book into the paper bag and took a taxi to the concert and waited just like the other fans to get inside, some fans got into a convocation with him as they waited. No one could see his full face because he wore a mask, he never liked to let people see his full face - so a mask was always in his jacket or bag. He looked like an idol, but whenever people asked him he just showed them his face and said no. 

Fans get inside the stadium and waited for the concert to start. M/N pulled out his phone and texted the manager that he was on his spot, he got a call from his friend. "Hey what's up?" M/N said in Norwegian since his friend didn't speak Korean so the mother language was the best option other than English "Hey, just wanted to hear if you got there safely and how things were going" M/N laughed "I got here safely, and things are going well - I'm at the BTS concert now waiting for it to start you know. How is the editing part going?" "It's going well, we just need you to watch this and agree on the advertisement, the description box and more. But we can wait until you've time" M/N nodded even if his friend couldn't see it "Sure, let's get the music video out as planned. But I've to go now, the concert is about to start" His friend agreed and told M/N to say hello to Jeongguk from him.

The concert started and everything went well, at some point the boys just fooled around and had fun, he looked at Jeongguk who searched through the crowd, maybe for him or just to see the fans. His and Jeongguk's eyes meet, and the youngers eyes just went wide - he waved like a small child that saw it's lovely grandparents. M/N waved back and smiled. The concert went on and the boys had to say goodbye to their fans, the members went on about how fun the concert had been, and Jeongguk pulled up his microphone and said: "Tonight has been really special to me" Namjoon smiled at the younger and said: "Why Jeongguk?" Jeongguk smiled and laughed "A very good friend of mine came, I haven't seen him for months and now he's here. I saw him earlier it shook me, I didn't know that he would be here tonight" The members laughed and younger who looked like a small child who got candy. Fans screamed at the sweet look as he came on the screen. M/N even got it on camera and sent it to his friend who just sent laughing emojis.

As the boys said goodbye and M/N walked over to the male section of the toilet where the manager would wait for him so that he could get backstage without trouble. He waved at the manager and said: "Hello sir, good to see you in person" The manager laughed and pulled down his mask "You too M/N, come on let's go before fans see us" M/N nodded and followed the manager "I see a bag, what's inside?" M/N laughed and smiled through the mask "Flowers and a special gift for Jeongguk, our 4th month today is soon - and I don't know when I've to go back to Norway" The manager nodded and patted M/N's shoulder "Work?" "Yes, my friend's new music video is coming up soon - so I've to make sure everything is good before the release" The manager nodded and showed the bodyguards the pass and together they walked over to the backstage section. The closer they got, they heard fans in the background scream as the boys left the stage. "Let's wait, go and get a cup of coffee if you want to. I need to talk to the boys first" M/N nodded and walked over to the small café they had with food and drinks. They were only a lady left-back to clean up the tables "Do you mind if I take a cup of tea?" The lady shook her head and gave him a cup of tea, he thanked her and walked over to one of the standing tables, and drank his tea. He pulled out his phone and saw that a document had been sent by his friend - he pulled up his small iPad to open up the document "Ahh, now I know what it's" It was a document his friend had got from the government about the day where his ex came by and was racist, and all that. She had filed a lawsuit against them about recording her without her permission, M/N just laughed at it 

"What a stupid lawyer she got, I'm gonna fix this when I get back to Norway - I got no time for this bullshit" 


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