Birthday High (18+ FNF)

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Keith's birthday was finally here, he just recently turned 19, the family of course always goes frantic on his birthday but he wanted to do something different this year. "You wanna do something risky?" Questioned Tabby (for the sake of it I'll give gf a name by calling her tabby or tabitha 😭) she wasnt fond of risks or doing large tasks, that's sort of why she broke up with pico in the past. Keith and tabby was dating for more then 5 years now. He had a nice steady job that was paying him at least 800 a week and it was a Friday, which means not only was it his birthday but he also got paid. "I want to try something new for once. I mean I understand being safe but...don't you ever want to step outside of the box?" Tabby shook her head almost immediately which made Keith sigh softly. "I think......I should hang out with pico this year. He invited me over and..." Tabby interrupted him "you really shouldn't hang out with pico...He's a bad influence....mother always told me that." She says, and Keith shook his head "I'm going to stay safe....I won't do anything too wont have to worry about me." Tabby sighed and leaned forward to kiss him,pulling off "I just hope you have fun with him and please stay sure to answer my calls too...alright?" She asks, rubbing Keith's neon blue hair softly, Keith smiled, determined. "I'll stay safe. And I'll answer your calls alright?" He says and then tabby and Keith embraced a hug.

A loud noise came from outside, nothing terrible just blasting music coming from Pico's car, he always had It as loud as ever so you know hes coming by. Keith lifted his head up and stood up "that must be him..I should get going." he says, picking up his black duffle bag he carried all his clothes in. Tabby sighed at the thought of pico, but shook her head and turned into a smile she normally had. "Have a nice time love." She blows him a kiss and waves as Keith goes to and out the door. Keith hurried himself to Pico's car, opened the other side of the door only to be welcomed by loud club Rap like music, His taste. He sits himself down and shuts the door "Hey Pico!" He says happily as Pico turned the music down a bit , he always had his gun in the glove compartment. "Heey whattup kid? Turned 19 now?" He says as he pulled off,  Keith nodded as Pico kept his eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel as the rest of his body stayed relaxed. "yeah, kinda crazy its already been a year." He says, looking out the window. Pico and keith has been friends since elementary school, that one time they got separated in different schools he learned about the school shooting incident and now Pico carries a gun everywhere he went. It didnt bother him too much, however.

"What's your plans?" He says, looking ovet at Keith with curiosity in his eyes for a second as he pulls up at his own apartment complex, turning off the car. "I dunno....maybe come out with a new song or ---" Pico shook his head "nooo im talking about what are you plans for tonight..." He says, getting out the car as Keith does the same. While walking down the halls of his apartment complex, Keith thinks for a bit "I.....dont know actually. I wanted to try something risky and your the only person who knows about risky situations...." Pico looked back as he unlocked the door of his apartment and walked inside. "You...wanna do something risky, like what?" Keith closed the door behind him and noticed a whiff of a skunk smell "what's that smell?" He says, covering his nose and Pico only laughed at him "I got some weed earlier today....I'm guessing that's what you smelled the moment you came in." He commented clarifying the smell. Pico didn't recognize it because he was surrounded by it all the time, its the only drug he takes besides smoking cigarettes. "Weed? What's weed?" Picos eyes lit up as an idea came to mind. "I know what risky thing you can try tonight. But only if you trust me." Keith peeked interest, but cocked his head to the side. "Of course I trust you...were friends right?" Pico nodded "yeah....hold on." He says, locking the door and taking Keith's hand into his bedroom, his bedroom wasn't too big or too small, medium sized with a king sized bed to sleep on, Pico had to save up from his battles to get all the items he had in his room.  He had Led lights that lit up the room, lavander plants on his window ciel they were big healthy flowers pico took care of. Pico never told anyone but keith he had a soft heart for flowers, odd thing about him he wanted to be a gardener because it bought him peace of mind, He sold his flowers and fruits as well to get money. "Wow they've really grown..." keith comments walking up to the lavander flowers. Pico was rustling through his closet and he looked back "yeah...I have to trim them soon. Its getting down to the floor at this point. " he says, taking out a bag of weed he had in his stash. "Hey, sit down on the bed for a moment. " he says, whistling at Keith to get his attention, Keith looked up from the flowers and walked over to the bed and sat down. "What's up?" He asks as pico sat down next to him, showing him the bag of the good ol green stuff. "This is weed. Its a drug that makes you high." He says, giving the bag over to Keith. He noticed this was the main source of the smell "I wonder why it smells like that..." He says, looking at the bag curiously. "What do you plan on doing?" Pico smirked and looked at the bag then Keith. "You wanna try some?"

Friday night funkin Pico x Keith (18+)Where stories live. Discover now