Birthday high (Chapter 4)

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Their bodies pressed together and both completely high as fuck off their ass. Keith didn't even want to resist or move from Pico's grasp at all. Pico kissed his neck, even leaving a hickey on his skin,he was a bit rough, but gentle, due to Keith having a sensitive neck however, made his body chill and tense up, when he pulled off he was pleasantly surprised. "What did you just do?" He says, placing a hand on his neck. Pico bit his lip and snickered "nothing...." Keith frowned "I swear to god if you gave me a hickey I'll kick your ass..." Pico leaned down "every time you threaten me I'll take this out." He takes out his gun, his main one where he first met keith, he smirked. "You really wanna play that game?" He asks, with his low raspy tone. 'God why is he always so hot like this?' Keith suddenly had that thought rush through his mind like a train wreck. Keith grunted a bit when he was held at gunpoint , practically Picos thing. Normally he'd be terrified of his guns, but for some reason he knew Pico wouldn't hurt him on purpose.  " be a good boy and listen to me..." Keith chuckled " want me to call you master now?" Pico thought for a moment "that does sound like a swell idea ..."

"Wait you're serious?"  He was suddenly interrupted by a collar being wrapped around his neck, a clip on.  "Wait what is this shit?" He takes the collar off to find it has his own name on it. "Did you have a dog named keith?" Pico chuckled "no....I got it as a special commission. A sex worker I knew knows how to make these collars ...don't worry I haven't slept with her she has...problems."  Keith raised a brow "diseases?" Pico nodded "I'm not getting wrapped up in that." They both shared a laugh and Pico put it back on his neck "mmhm I made sure it was your favorite It even has my address on it, information. So if you get lost they can bring you straight back to me."

Keith was surprised he thought about this ahead of time "you have some sort of pet play kink?"  Pico scoffed and began slightly carrassing keith, he knew what made him tick. He leans down and began kissing his chest slightly, rolling up his shirt. He noticed a couple of bruises on him, they were dark and visible. "Mmh...who gave you these?" He asks, rather concerned. Keith tensed up he didn't like talking about his scars that much. Especially where he got them from. "Uhm....I'd rather not talk about it." Pico, respecting his wishes, he began to kiss him  down his stomach. Keith gradually got more nervous when he went down to his waist, he couldn't go any further could he ? "What are you doing?" He asks,as pico unzips his pants. "You'll see..." He replies, He's going to definitely ask about those bruises later.  Meanwhile, he takes out his cock and began to stroke it gently. Keith didn't know what he was up too, but interested, he simply watched him carefully. "How many times have slept with men?" He asks, oddly curious. Pico ended up leaving a small kiss on the tip of his cock, it definitely twitched. "Honestly...I slept with bout.....4 men in my life. I hate being the bottom so I gradually just stopped doing that. For some're quite easy to dominate." He says, placing his mouth around his cock and began to suck him off. Keith was practically overwhelmed by pleasure, he never had been given head before. Keith couldn't help but let soft moans escape his lips instead of questions. He wasn't even expecting to be enjoying this. All he could think about was the guilt he was feeling around cheating on his girlfriend, but he didnt have the guts to break up with her yet. Not after the first time he tried too the girl actually beat him to a pole for even suggesting such a thing. She may seem nice, but she can be bitchy when she wants too. He was afraid to tell pico...he knows he'll put a bullet to anyone's head.

After a little while though, Keith felt the pleasure building up in his body. He felt like he was so close...."fuck pico.....I'm gonna...." He grunted, trying to hold back whatever was making him feel so amazing. Pico let go of his cock to jerk it off slightly "its called Cumming....if youre gonna cum....just release whatever is building you up...just some advice." He says as he wraps his mouth around his mouth again. After a bit , he let out a lustful moan, accidentally releasing in Pico's mouth, gripping ahold of Pico's hair. Pico grunted in shock as he felt his cum go inside his mouth, he couldn't even pull back, he was practically choking at this point. When finally release, pico swallowed what he had and coughed slightly, meanwhile keith was still twitching. "Fuck....I'm sorry." Keith apologized, Pico sighed he was mostly embarrassed of himself. "Don't worry about it ..I'll get my revenge." Keith's heart dropped, hearing the sound of it wondered what he was going to do. But knowing pico, he'd probably do the same thing, or something worse. " was an accident I swear..." He stuttered, pico grabbed the collar of what he was wearing and pulled it towards him. "I'm not joking when I said it." He couldn't really mustar up words.

Friday night funkin Pico x Keith (18+)Where stories live. Discover now