Birthday high (Chapter 2)

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" want me to try THAT stuff?" He says, nervously fiddling with the sheets he was sitting on. Pico nodded "I'll smoke it with you so you won't feel so wanted to try something risky...this is it." He says, almost waving it in his face as if it was supposed to tease him. He folded his arms and huffed "if you insist." pico smirked "I'm glad you trust me enough to even do this with me...this type is called wedding cakes." he says, taking some out. "Wedding cakes? But it looks nothing like a wedding cake." Pico chuckled "it doesnt have to be one." He grinded up some of what he had and started prepping it in front of him. Keith watched but he was starting to get nervous when it was finished prepping. "Does this....make you see things?" He asks, Pico shook his head "it doesnt for me. Everyones experience is different. Trust me. Its gonna be fine." He says, grabbing his lighter.

Keith swallowed hard as pico lit it up, exhaling the smoke from his lungs. It made him cough but not much. "Honestly...this will make you cough....just be careful.not to inhale too much." He warns keith, lending it over, Keith takes it,inhales lightly but coughed pretty hard, this was his first time smoking, it made his eyes water and his throat sore slightly. "Fuck man..." Keith commented, handing back get joint to Pico. "You alright?" He held in his laughter for the sake of Keith, patting him on the back. "Y...yeah im fine." Keith had sighed in relief as the coughing stopped by the next part hit him practically sooner then later. He felt himself becoming high, a strong pleasant feeling hit his brain like a stack of jinga falling over all of a sudden after pulling the wrong block.

Keith was practically zoned out as Pico smoked, Pico raised a brow at the high keith next to him. "You got there?" He says, waving his hand in front of him. Keith flinched out of his daze "yeah ...I'm there. I think?" He says and pico hands it back, they were just casually smoking weed then. Laying down, next to pico he looks over at him. "So this is what you do on your spare time huh?" He asks, Pico nods "Its how I get my song ideas...."

"Do you ever just think your entire life was based off of one single person...and you never actually really looked?" Keith was having one of his high tangent moments, but at the same time he was being truthful. Pico looked at him "what? You mean you and your girlfriend?" Keith nodded. "Think about it.....I've been dating her for five years...we never even thought about sex. I was planning on making her my first and even planned on marrying her but she's been acting...weirder and weirder."

Pico inhales his joint and turned over on top of keith just to blow it in his face. Keith flinched and looked away, coughing softly "stop worrying about her asshole....the fact is she doesn't matter..." Keith's eyes were watering again from the smoke and he whipped them with his arm while pico was practically pinning him down, everything felt heavy. "You're heavy....fuckin cunt." He swore, Pico laughed, he has never seen Keith act like this. It was golden "Oh a cunt am I?" He says, he couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. "Says the goody tooshoes laying in my bed trying weed for the first time..." Keith rolled his eyes as gotten another hit from the joint himself, it was about half done before Pico put it out. "I'm not a goody too shoes." He scoffed, Pico kept laying on top of him, not even moving at this point. Wherever he was he was just there, no point in escaping this big log."not a goody tooshoes hmm?..then what about your girlfriend huh? Gonna waste your breath on her forever?" Pico takes out his gun from his back pocket and points it at Keith's neck, forcing it. "You realize I could kill you for calling me a cunt." He threatened with a grin, Keith looked unphased due to how high he was. He wasn't even bothered by the cold metal up against his neck. "Mmmmh...I know." He mumbles, Pico takes the gun away, fully adjusting himself on top of Keith to were he was practically dominanting."I dare you to say that to my face again fuck face. " he says leaning down to wear he was breathing down on his neck, the gun was cocked and loaded and there was no safety on it at all. Keith only began to laugh softly as he was smothered by pico. "Fucking cunt." He scoffed, practically daring him to pull the trigger. Pico placed the gun to his neck, and pulled the trigger, but nothing came out of it. "Mmh...lucky bastard." He commented. "Russian roulette?" Keith asked, noticing the revolver. Pico had multiple guns, this was just one of his defaults. He looked down at him and smirked "gotcha." Keith bursted out laughing and so did Pico, he shook his head and tossed the gun aside. "You're lucky that didnt have a bullet inside it." Keith sighed in some type of relief. "I thought you were gonna kill me. " Pico scoffed "you're lucky I didn't have the settings by default."

"How did you know it had no bullet in that?" He asked, blinking, Pico grinned. "The fact is. I didnt know. The universe saved you this time." Keith was silent for a few moments before realizing what he did and tried to get up "oh fuck." Pico only pushed him back down, and sat on top of  him as if he was the king of the world. He took out his actual gun from underneath the bed and cocked it. "You seriously need to learn your manners boy. Maybe you're not a goody tooshoes at all." Pico looked down at Keith and leaned forward "you said you wanted risks right?" He asks, huskily in his ear. He could feel his gun laying on his side, Keith smiled a little "Pico...your making me nervous." He says, for some reason..this was really turning him on...he didn't want to admit it but, feeling picos hot breath, his body heavily pressed on him with a risk of a gun at hand really drove him nuts, it might have been the weed talking, but for him this was the best birthday he could have asked for thus far.

Friday night funkin Pico x Keith (18+)Where stories live. Discover now