Protect him, protect you

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Keith inhaled and exhaled deeply, he had no words about what just happened. He was stumped, he was terrified even. Maybe he was bisexual after all. "So?" Pico suddenly says, as Keith kept brushing out pico's hair, they were practicing after care with each other. "So....what?" He asks, not knowing where this was going. "...I know I asked about this earlier...but....whats with your scars and bruises on your body?" He asks, pin pointing the important questions. Keith grew somewhat uncomfortable once again, he didnt even want to talk about it. "Don't give me bullshit Keith. I'm worried about you." Pico showed his concern, practically putting keith in a corner. Keith shook his head "its...nothing you should worry about." Pico frowned and stopped him from brushing his hair, taking his hands and gripping his wrists. "Pico?" Keith noticed how hard he was grabbing his wrists, it felt like he was trying to break them, Keith balled up his fists and tried pulling off but it wouldn't budge. "Pico...I--" Suddenly interrupted by Pico, he was lifted suddenly and pressed up against the wall with his hands forcefully pressed up against the wall. Pico's eyes were dark, something Keith only sees in him when he's serious, it always made his heart drop. "Don't give me Bullshit! Tell me the truth!" Pico yells at Keith, he was pissed he'd even let something like this happen behind his back. Keith only knew he cared, pushing back, both strengths practically colliding with each other, "pico....just, stop it already!" Keith grunted, pushing back, practically using all of his strength at this point. Pico could tell he was fighting back, even more so, he was pissed he was trying to protect whoever hurt him. Non the less, it really pissed him off. "Why are you protecting them? Huh?!" Pico grabbed Keith and placed him into a tight headlock,  Keith struggled in this hold all the time, he was gripping his shirt sleeve, "I'm....trying to...stop you...from doing something fucking stupid!" Pico suddenly felt himself trip on something , quickly grabbed a hold of and tossed over onto his back. "Don't make me fight you just to get answers!" Pico scoffed,grabbing a hold of Keith's legs and pulling him straight down,  pinning him down onto the rug of the floor, Keith's hair was gripped and his face was forcefully pinned to the rug "I-if I tell you! Promise me you won't kill them!" Keith exclaimed, muffling.He worried about him trying to even kill Tabatha.  He knew this was the only way he  could show he cared, this was Pico we're talking about. Pico kept his strength up so he wouldn't escape, keeping his knee on his shoulder and he held his hand down with his other hand. Pico thought about it, he hated being a pacifist towards people who hurt who he cared about. Especially people like Keith. He let out a long sigh of frustration "fine....." He promised to not hurt anyone. "Can you let me go now?..." Keith muffled,Pico released him, Keith sat up and rubbed the back of his head which know stung from his grip. "Gah....alright.....It was Tabby.....remember when I said she was acting weird...?" Pico nodded in his response " and her got into an argument one time and I wanted to break up with her because I was losing connection...but she got crazy and started hitting me with things...objects.....i couldn't hit her back she's a women! I'm not that low...." Keith finally explained, he did feel some sort of weight lifted off of him. Pico, was furious. Tabby, out of all people to come and abuse his friend, Tabby?! "'re telling me Tabitha did this to you?" Keith slowly nodded, Pico couldn't stand this. He got up and went over to his closet and got out his gun, one of his big ones. Keith got up quickly noticing what he was going to do and forced him back,not even letting him move as he carried the gun in his hand. "Pico, no! You promised!" Keith reminded him, Pico let out a long angry sigh, "I know I promised but that gives no excuse for you to be in a relationship like this. You need to break up with her." Keith blinked " even? I can't with her parents and..and...." Pico looked back at Keith, a glare in his eye that made Keith flinch, he didn't want to attempt to break up with her again. Pico placed his heavy hands on his shoulders, they were almost warm to the touch but this one gave him chills. "Don't be bullshitting me. Keith. I won't let her hurt you. I know you love with her and her parents in this giant fancy complex apartment. But I need you to understand. I'll take care of you. I won't let her fuck with you . if  she does. She's getting a bullet to her fucking skull. " Keith began to tear up slightly, Pico whiped the tears of his face. "I...HIC...I'm trapped in this situation have no idea....." Keith flomped his head onto Pico's chest and began sobbing. Pico hated seeing Keith cry, it was a rare occurance. Even so, he didnt want Keith to ever be upset, all he wanted to see was his smile. Pico placed a gentle hand on Keith's hair, gently carressing it. "You....." He leans down and kisses the top of his head. "You piss me know this right?" Pico asked,Keith nodded slowly "mhm...." He muffled, sniffing gently. Pico embraced him with a hug. "Come on ....get up and stop soaking my shirt." Keith lifts up and dries his eyes and sniffled, he looked a mess." sorry." pico let out an annoyed sigh "don't be sorry. She should be sorry. I'm going to protect you okay?" Keith sighed in some relief knowing pico was there to help, he nodded. "Yeah....."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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Friday night funkin Pico x Keith (18+)Where stories live. Discover now