Birthday high (Chapter 3)

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"Am I  scaring you?" Pico whispers in keith's ear, keeping himself on top of him. He knew he was turning Keith on, he had a boner already shoving itself against him, twitching like nuts but it didn't bother him. He was practically turned on himself, Keith and Pico always had this friendship, close friends, he trusted him as much as Keith trusted him, but he always found himself doing things like this when his girlfriend isn't around. He couldn't help it but make himself known as the dominant one. The last thing he wants is for himself to wear the dress in this relationship. Keith shifted underneath him slightly,feeling completely vulnerable underneath Pico. He honestly would let him do whatever he wanted , but since he had a girlfriend he never went that far...but him being on top of him is driving him crazy, just straddling him like this. "Pico....fucking damn it...."

pico let out a soft chuckle. "What?~" He says rather softly in a flirtatious manner. He began to kiss his neck, he couldn't hold back anymore this is what he wanted. Keith felt Picos lips on his neck, his heart was racing  "pico...pico I...but I have a girlfriend." He says, pico suddenly stopping. "And that never stopped you for getting hard...did it?" He says, looking at Keith with lust in his eyes. Keith blushed deeply at his answer , he didnt even notice he had a boner. "" Pico hushes him and leans forward and kisses him, Keith didn't exactly feel the need to pull away, in fact he kissed him back. " want you....a lot....for some reason....I...had been having problems...with my relationship and i--" He was interrupted by Pico , kissing him deeper and causing Keith to moan from the heavy pressure his body was under, with Pico being on top of him and him also being kissed, it felt like there was a thousand bricks on top of him, he was so strong. "Pico..." He muffled into the kiss slightly as pico pulled off. Keith panted heavily from the lack of air. "You're  so heavy...and strong...its..." Pico grinned "I'm assuming you never had anyone on top of you before....?" Keith felt slightly embarrassed but he nodded. "No ones been sexual to me yet if that makes sense." Pico blinks in realization "so you never screwed her?" He asks, Pico did sleep with tabby before , he wasn't her first. He's surprised she never went second base with him. "It's what ive been trying to say..she's been weird." Pico shook his head "mmh....and i thought this was gonna be your second or third time..." Keith laughed softly "you'd be sorely wrong my friend.."

Pico takes his shirt off and sets it next to him. "How about I take it from you hmm? This can just be a secret...our little secret." Keith blinks , it was something risky...and he never slept with a man before. Pico was always attractive to him but he always joked about it...but what if..." you maybe think I'm bisexual?" He asks, Pico only smirked "only one way to find out ..." He says and then leaned down "do you want me to fuck you? I'm asking for your consent...I  know you want me as bad as I want why hide I between our friendship so much?" He says, gently caressing Keith's hair.  Keith sighed, he was telling the truth, he did have feelings for Pico, His girlfriend was never there for him really when he was upset angry or depressed like pico did and pico already came out as bisexual himself.

Keith felt like he was in a middle of a dilemma. One side was his girlfriend he fought for literally by rap battling others and Pico and there was Pico, who been there for him since they were legit kids, they even fought one time and pico of course won but it was something he never forgot about. One time he even beat his ass himself, coming out on top. But that wasn't the point, the point was, why did he feel so compelled to say yes? "....I...feel so strongly about fucking terrified of the results."

"Why be so afraid of this keith?...if anything....your girlfriend should be afraid of losing me. She hasnt done her part....ive been there. She hasn't...." The one thing Keith liked about Pico was that he'd always told the truth to him. He never told a lie, only when he was down and upset he'd maybe fib, but only to protect himself. But still, keith always found himself running to his apartment complex and forgetting about his gf just to talk to pico...he was his friend. "'re right....pico..." Pico felt somewhat relieved he was agreed with but also felt the need to Jesture him to the right direction. "I didn't even realize it...but....youre right....I always go to you when youre upset...I find you and we hang out but we always get closer....I feel like we've been even acting more and more closer when she's not around..." Keith laughed and let out a soft mournful sigh pico knew all too well. He laid himself directly on Keith and laid his face against his neck. "What do you think?" Keith closed his eyes "yeah." Pico blinked "hmm?" Keith nodded "yeah...I actually want to sleep with you." Pico felt a red blush creep on his face. "'re serious?" Keith nods. "Fuck ...thats kind hardcore....I like don't plan on telling her about this..right?" He says in a calm tone, Keith tensed up a bit "hell no...I know her parents will kill you and me if they were to find out...we keep our mouths" He asks, Pico chuckles "you don't have to tell me twice..."

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