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A/N: oh no not me forgetting this story exists o-O


Tommy sat on his bench. It felt so empty without tubbo. It had been 2 months since the accident and Tommy still didn't know how he could cope. Wilbur walked up To the bench.

"Tommy please-" Wilbur started, a little concern laced in his voice.

"No." Tommy simply cut him off with.

"Tommy I'm worried." Wilbur's voice was now sad. He ignored the glare Tommy gave him and kept talking. "Tommy you haven't willingly gotten up or ate in a month. You look like a ghost and your pencil thin. This isn't healthy." Wilbur sat next to Tommy and pulled him in so his brothers head was rested on his shoulder. "I know it can be hard to loose someone. Trust me. I know" he said thinking of Fundy. "But you can't live in grief your whole life. Is this how tubbo would want you to live...?"

Tommy scooted closer and hugged his brother and cried in his arms. "I-im s-sorry" he sobbed.

"Tommy it's okay. Can you please at least see Phil and techno? They haven't seen you in almost two months and their worried." Wilbur calmly asked. He messed with Tommy's hair while he waited. He learned that this calmed Tommy. Along with humming. So while Tommy thought that's what Wilbur did. He hummed the tune to a certain song to make Tommy laugh.

"Jump in the Cadillac"
"Girl let's put some miles on it"
"Anything you want-"

Tommy giggled and sat up and punched Wilbur's arm. "StOp" his voice cracked from the crying. "I-ill go and see them." Tommy agreed. He had been on this bench for too long. It was making him more sad.

Tommy walked to Philzas house and bumped into Fundy on the way there. But that just gave him a flashback

"Agh- watch where your going arseho-" Tommy shouted but then stopped when he realized it was his best friend. "Hah oh sorry tubbo-"

Tubbo laughed at his friend. "Who did you think I was?" He asked.

"Oh- uhhhhmm... Honestly I don't know. Just someone who wasn't you."

Tubbo laughed again. He grabbed Tommy's hand and ran to the bench that was a couple of feet away.

Tommy put in mellohi and they talked about random stuff until the sun started setting so they watched that together

"...Tommy...?" Wilbur was looking back at tommy with a little bit of a worried expression. "You were zoned out for a bit." Fundy had already walked away by then.

"U-uh sorry... I'm sorry" Tommy walked more and Wilbur followed close behind.



"Are you-" wilbur sighed as a tear fell. "You know I love you so much right?" Tommy looked up at his older brother and smiled.


Soon they reached philzas house. Techno was curled up on the couch asleep with a small white fluffy dog curled up in almost the same position next to him. Philza was talking calmly to a small girl who seemed to have been crying.

Tommy stepped back a bit and then waited for her to calm down.

Eventually phil calmed her down and looked up "hi wi- TOMMY!?" He looked up in excitement. Phil ran over and hugged tommy. Tommy liked Phil's hugs but not as much as techno.

Tommy's gaze fell on the girl in that moment. "Who is she...?" He asked phil.

Phil looked back."that's Lani. Tubbos younger sister. She had no place to stay so she's here with us now.

"He has nowhere to stay so can he be here with us for now!?" Tommy asked phil. Tubbo was standing shyly behind tommy.

"Of course! Who is this?" Phil asked.

"Tubbo! He is my new best friend!" Tommy replied happily.

"U-uhh hi" tubbo said to phil.

t.w: panic attack ≠

Tommy started crying a bit and stepped back until he hit a wall. He slid down the wall and sat on the floor in tears.

Suddenly techno was at his side and he was comforting tommy and trying to lead him in a bit of a breathing pattern.

Tommy looked over at techno still in tears. His heart was pounding really fast and hard and he felt like he was going to suffocate. 

"Tommy..? I know it's scary but trust me, the storm clouds will clear out after a bit of rain." Techno hugged tommy and held his hands. "Okay tommy I want you to do something for me okay?" He asked his younger brother to wich he just nodded.

"Okay name 5 things you can see."

"U-uhm- y-you the f-floor th-the table ph-phil wil a-and l-lani...?"

"Great. Okay now name 4 things that you can feel."

"Y-your hands m-my t-tears the f-floor a-and j-just empty..."

"Okay. Your doing great." Techno wrapped his cape around tommy's shoulders. "Now name 3 things you can hear."

"Y-you me a-and your dog"

"Okay. Now 2 things you can smell."

Tommy took a deep breath, clearing his nostrils. "Philzas cooking a-and you"

Techno smiled. "Okay last one. Your doing amazing. Name 1 thing that you can taste.

"Bitterness." Tommy replied almost instantly.

Techno leaned in to hug tommy. Philza was a little concerned on how well techno did that does that happen to him? Phil just sighed. He was glad his sons were okay.

"You know I love you right tommy?" It took techno a lot of courage to say that because he only ever told that to philza.

Tommy cried even more. He was happy that techno clarified that. "I-i love y-you too. th-thank you."

"WHERES MY 'I LOVE YOU'!?" wilbur shouted aggressively loud and playfully upset.

Techno just rolled his eyes and carried tommy to fall asleep on the couch with technos cape around him.

"Goodnight toms."

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