Letters and Arrows (12)

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No One's Pov:

Both sides were anticipating this morning for the fight. Dream's side seemed to be more confident while L'manburg appeared to be more nervous than confident.

Dream had informed his men about how they already know and that they should be fighting harder than intended.

L'manburg was all over the place. Trying to find their armour, making last-minute potions, grabbing extra food, and lots of last-minute planning.

Wilbur's Pov:

Everyone was nervous and all over the place. I could see where they're coming from, I was nervous as well.

The only person who seemed to be calm would be Y/n, who was sitting on a chopped down tree trunk and was sharpening her axe.

"Y/n! Don't you have anything to prepare?" She looked up at me with her red eyes, they were blank. Not calm, happy, nervous, or even scared. Just blank.

She stayed quiet for a moment before putting her axe back into its holder on her hip. "Wil... I know this is very last minute but I need to grab something from my place quickly."

"Y/n! They're going to be here any moment ready for a fight!" I thought for a moment while my fingers held the bridge of my nose. "Fine. Make it quick though!"

Y/n didn't even waste any time, she sprinted off towards Midnight who was happily chewing on some hay. Y/n got on and within a flash, she had disappeared into the forest.

Please be back in time...

Y/n's Pov:

I was riding Midnight towards my house as fast as I could. How could I forget about it? Would this be the right time to bring this out? I hope I'll make it back in time.

I finally reached my house about 2 minutes after I left L'manburg. I ran into my house quickly making my way towards my weapons room.

Once I burst through the door I see the thing I came for. Sitting on it's the little stand that I set up in the middle of the room is the one and only...

Axe of War.

Wilbur's Pov:

Y/n had left about 2 minutes ago and everyone seems to be ready. We were all standing in the van waiting for her to come back.

"I'll go out and see if she's here yet" Fundy opened the door which was followed with multiple arrows being shot right towards the now closed door.

Everyone stood still looking as my son was absolutely scared, breathing quickly from the adrenaline.

"They're here... Everyone ready?" I asked turning to be met with the faces of everyone who wanted to help fight for this country.

"Wil, Y/n still isn't here" Tubbo began to grab all of his weapons followed by looking up at me.

"She will join us soon. Men! Weapons out!" I demanded as everyone grabbed their things.

Hopefully, she'll be here soon...

Y/n's Pov:

As I was running out of my house I saw a small pink envelope on my kitchen counter. I stopped dead in my tracks before taking it into my gloved hands.

'To miss Y/n Blade' Huh? Maybe Techno?

I flipped the envelope over to see a red stamp with my family's symbol on it, a pig's snout. So it's from Techno?

I hadn't spoken much to Techno since I last saw him but we have been sending letters to each other for the past week or so.

I lifted the seal, a letter with a few words. They were in code, Techno and I used the code all the time when we were younger too.

The letter wrote: 'Your eyes are redder than usual...'

When we said that as kids it meant that our parents were watching and to be careful. Underneath it had another line which was likewise in code.

'The pig's snout had to be taken away from its home.' This meant that we wouldn't be able to speak again for awhile more.

I kept rereading the letter. I finally got in touch with him only for it to be ripped away again...

I stood in my kitchen forgetting everything going on, just starring at the cursive words.

I set the paper back onto the counter as I took a step back. I couldn't let this make me sad, I have a fight I need to finish.

Remembering there was an attack about to start, I sprinted over to Midnight, quickly getting on and riding back to L'manburg.

I finally reached L'manburg again. Once I came out of the tree line I saw figures on top of the walls with bows drawn, they were shooting at people. The fight has begun.

I realized it wouldn't be smart to bring attention to myself so I tied Midnight to a close fence pole before running off out of view of the men on the walls.

I stayed pressed against the Blackstone walls as I moved towards the opening. There stood in the middle of L'manburg was everyone huddled in a circle shooting back at them.

None of Dream's people have seen me yet so I quietly pull the bow from my back and pulled it back as I aimed for Nick.

I released the string from my fingers as the arrow whizzed through the air, landing right into Nick's right arm. He dropped his bow from his hand as he let out a groan of pain, gaining the attention of everyone.

Before he could find where the arrow came from I pulled myself back behind the wall, hidden from everyone's sight.

Everyone seemed to be confused about where it came from but quickly pushed the thought aside as they continued to shoot arrows back and forth.

I began to walk out to where my friends were. Somehow no one seemed to notice me, all except Dream.

He stopped his shooting for a moment before resuming but this time aiming for me.

I lifted my shield to cover my body as I made my way to the middle. I looked up to see Tommy looking straight at me with a nervous smile.

He didn't seem to notice but thankfully I did, there was an arrow shooting straight for his head.


Dream's Pov:

So far We've been doing really good. I haven't seen Y/n anywhere either so this was going really well for us. That was until Nick got shot in the shoulder by an arrow which no one knew where it came from.

He had to step away as he patched his injuries, he should be okay. We continued to shoot more arrows down at the small group.

I saw a flash of red in the corner of my eye, catching my attention I turn to see Y/n. She wore the same uniform as the rest of them. White dress shirt, red undershirt, she wore black pants compared to everyone's white ones, she had red fabric acting as a belt wrapped around her waist, black boots, and to finish it all of her red mantle.

Her pink and black hair was loosely braided and laid on her shoulder. Y/n was weirdly calm saying that arrows are flying everywhere.

I began to shoot my arrows at her, she simply lifted her shield covering herself. Of course, it wouldn't be that easy.

Y/n casually made her way towards her friends. It pissed me off I didn't get any reaction to me literally trying to SHOOT her!

Her eyes widen as she saw an arrow heading from George's bow straight to Tommy's head. I grinned to myself as I watched it fly through the air.

Y/n had quickly lunged in front of the younger boy, bringing out her axe she swung it down aiming from the whizzing arrow.

Everyone went quiet, there were no arrows, no one was speaking, we all heard a sound of an arrow falling to the ground.

Did she hit it from in the air? I saw everyone from L'manburg sigh of relief while my men and I stood in utter shock.

"Now, I suggest you get out of here before we have to escort you out." She spoke in a cold monotone voice, sending visual shivers down George and Nick's backs.

I called my men off as we ran off to another tower, while L'manburg took another.

Wish you luck...

Dream SMP war (DreamWasTaken x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now