Sunsets (30)

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Y/n's Pov:

It's been a few days since the run-in with my parents. Thankfully I haven't run into anyone who tried to capture me. Although that's probably because I've rarely left my place, other than to go to Pogtopia or Niki's cafe.

Dream somehow found my cottage. He hasn't done anything bad but he's been coming over more and just staying around. I think he might be trying to make up for lost time? I'm not sure if I should trust it.

In less than a week, it will be the festival. I can't say I'm excited but I'm ready to take down that bastard Schlatt.

Recently Wilbur and Techno have been letting me in more of their plans for the festival. But I do feel like they're still holding something away from me. Like why they've been going out looking for gunpower more often.

"Y/n! Come here!" I heard Tommy yell from the top of the ravine, he was standing with Tubbo beside him waving down at me.

Sighing I stood up and gave Wilbur and Techno a lazy wave before making my way up the sketchy staircase.

"What do you want from me, Tommy?" I questioned, already tired from being in the nether all day.

"Who says I need something from you?!" He shouted defensively, making me quirk an eyebrow up at him accusingly. "Okay fine. You know how the festival is in like 3 days?... Tubbo and I don't have any amour or weapons."

"Mhm, shocking" I commented sarcastically, "And what do you want me to do about that?"

"Could you... Uh... Maybe, give us some?"

"What do I get in return then?" I asked, crossing my arms over.

"Oh come on Y/n. After everything we've done for you?!" I stared at him, not letting him get away with this easily. "Okay fine. What do you want then."

"I'll let you know when the time comes," I said before walking towards the doorway. "Tell Techno and Wilbur I'm headed back home for the day."

Not giving him any time to complain I walked out into the forestry and started my way home.

As I walked through the green-filled area I enjoyed the peace before it was rudely interrupted by a stick snapping behind me.

I immediately grabbed the axe from my hip and turned to point it just before their neck. "Wow there, N/n"

Sighing I dropped my arm as I stared blankly at Dream who is still standing with his hands up in defence. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that. If you did that to Tommy he would've shit himself."

"Are you on your way home? Shall I join you?" He offered before putting a hand out for me to grab, while I looked between him and his hand with an unimpressed look.

"Just don't be annoying," I stated before walking ahead of him, causing him to jog to get into step with myself. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for the festival?"

"I've finished all of that today! Some of us aren't slow at gathering materials." Dream teased as he nudged my side with his elbow, earning himself a smack against the back of his head.

"I already have my stuff ready. It's just all the last-minute things that keep getting added. Like getting Tommy's shit."

"You're getting Tommy gear?" He asked as he tilted his head down slightly, looking towards me. "If you want I could help you. But only if I get something in exchange."

"Shove it, Dream. I can do it myself." I stated, crossing my arms over my usual red mantle. "Besides, I don't like the fact I would owe you a favour."

"Oh come on! It wouldn't be a bad favour!"

"No, Dream," I said sternly just before we stepped foot into Manburg.

People were running back and forth with different decorations. Some were hanging up posters, and ribbons. Others were setting up different stands and game areas.

As I looked through everyone I caught a glance of Schlatt. He sat near the podium and stayed there just staring down at Dream and I.

My footsteps paused as I turned to glare back at the goat-looking man. Dream paused his rambling when he noticed I was no longer walking beside him, when he turned to see me looking up at Schlatt he shook his head before grabbing my hand and walking away, but not before flipping off the goat.

"What an asshat..." I mumbled as I continued to be dragged away.

"Good thing I dragged you away while I did. You could've burnt holes into him with those oh so intimidating eyes of yours." He joked as he swung our arms back and forth, causing me to notice the hold he still had on my hand.

I paused for a moment as I stared at our hands entangled together before being broken out of my trance by the man my hands with bound with. "Oh sorry! I didn't even notice!"

"No, no, it's fine. It's not a big deal." I mumbled as I turned my head away to hide the rising blush on my face.

"Really?! Perfect cause my hands were getting cold." He stated before grabbing my hands once more and walked into an opening of the trail to my cottage.

From here you could see all the rivers, mountains, lakes, other small cottages. And the best view, the sunset.

"I say we stop and watch the sunset. By the time we get to your place, the sun will already be down anyways." I suggested before sitting down and tugging on my hand, pulling me down with him.

My eyes traced across the sky, taking in all the small and big details. How the clouds were a beautiful mixture of oranges, purple, and all the colours between. How the sun reflected on the mountains, making them look a dark purple, nearly blue.

Everything looked amazing, I turned to look at Dream to say something although I was slightly startled to see he had taken off his mask and was looking at me already.

Realising he had been caught, his cheeks took in a dark red colour as he turned back towards the sunset.

When he turned back I took this as an opportunity to study his side profile and the way it looks in the sunset lighting.

How the orangish colour danced across his entire face. The way I could see the sun reflecting in his eyes as they practically shine. If there was one word to describe how he looked it would be bea-

"You know staring is rude." Dream chuckled as he turned his head towards me, making me roll my eyes and stand up.

"Come on, I wanna get home."

Dream SMP war (DreamWasTaken x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now