Chapter 5

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I pulled up to this club in the city around where I live, hoping they let me in. I just need a couple drinks and then I'll leave.

I think I'm invisible because I walked in with no hesitation, and nobody stopping me. I looked around, seeing people dancing and drinking while I'm awkwardly standing here looking like a damn idiot. I walk up to a group of girls, hoping to flirt my way into some drinks.

"Wassup shorty." I whisper to a girl with a all black fit on. She turns around and you would never believe who it is. "What the fu- oh hey Charlie!" She yells trying to be louder than the music so I could hear her. "I'm not fucking Charlie, my names Billie." She laughs and pulls me to a couch in the back.

"Nice seeing you kidnapper." I roll my eyes, letting go of her grip. "You know you're really annoying right?" She grabs a shot, drinking it like it's nothing and putting it back down on the table. "Yeah I get that a lot, but I don't care. It's called being unique unlike someone." She coughs. "I'm leaving." I say standing up but she grabs my arm before I could.

"No, stay." I roll my eyes, sitting back down next to her. "You can't take a joke can you?" She says handing me a shot of I don't know what. "I can but like I said, you're annoying and you're jokes aren't even funny but go off I guess." She laughs about to take another shot, but I grabbed it from her hand, taking it instead.

"Slow down Charlie." She smirks. "Stop calling me that shit." I wipe my mouth before getting another shot. I honestly wanna get so fucked up to the point where I can't think straight. I don't wanna feel anything more than some head from a girl around here, definitely not her though.

"What you thinkin about?" She says, grabbing the empty glass out of my hand and putting it on the table. "Head." Was all I said, trying to keep the conversation short so she knows I don't wanna talk. "What? Ohhhh!" She finally realizes. "You're a dumbass you know that right?" She hits my arm before handing me another shot.

"You tryna kill me huh?" I would wanna kill me too if I was her. I'm kinda starting to feel bad about the shit I was thinking of doing to her the other day.
"No but if you want me to, I can." She winks at me. I can't do this right now. "Gimme another." I say to her. "You sure?" She knew damn well I was sure.

"Yeah. keep them mfs coming." I say.

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