Chapted 30

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*self harm*

I woke up with my head pounding.

"fuck.." I whisper, standing up to go to the bathroom. As I go to open the bathroom door I hear small sobs coming from the other side. I bust the door open to see Riley on the floor, blood dripping from her arm onto the floor. "BABY!" I walking in, sitting down next to her.

"What happened?!" I say looking down at her arm, lifting her head up. "I'm so tired." She says struggling to breathe properly. "I feel so worthless. You make me feel worthless.." she whispers looking down at her arm. "I'm so sorry baby." I held her head up so she could see my face. "I didn't mean what I said. I didn't mean to hurt you, you didn't deserve it." I wipe the small tears off of her face, grabbing a cloth and cleaning her arm.

"I do deserve i-it." I take the blade away from her, flushing it down the toilet. "No you don't my love. You're perfect. You're beautiful, and you're worth living. I'm so so sorry." I say pulling her into a hug. "Let's get you cleaned up mama."


"You want some food? I'll make you you're favorite." I say looking up at her sipping her water. "Please don't pretend to care bil. Don't treat me like a kid and pity me. It's not the first time I've done this." She whispers the last sentence. I walk over to her, kissing her forehead. "You gotta eat baby. I'm not pitying you, you gotta have something in your stomach." She nods walking back upstairs.

I can't believe I let her get to this point and it's all my fault. She was so happy before I did what I did but I fucked up and I can't take it back now. The only thing I can do is apologize and make it up to her. I don't want her harming herself for something I caused.

"Here baby.." I say handing her a plate full of pancakes and a cup of orange juice. "Sit it on the bed." She says sinking into the covers more. "I have to go to work in a couple hours, I'll be back at 3." I say walking over to kiss her forehead but she dodges it before I could. "Of course you are.."

"Really Riley? I can't skip work, especially today." She sits up and grabs her plate of food and starts eating. "Yeah work is so important. More important than the fact that I just tried to fucking kill myself and slit my wrists." I try to grab her hand but she pulls it away. "Go be with your lil sex doll." She says pushing me away.

"She's not my sex doll. She's a friend." I honestly don't know what to call Alexa anymore. "Oh so now you're defending her? That makes it better." She laughs looking over at the time on the clock. "Wow bil you better hurry up before you're late to work!" She yells sarcastically.

"I love you okay? I'll see you later." I kiss her lips, than her neck leaving the room to go to work with Ms. Alexa.

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