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Tommy, after talking to the invisible entity in the white room which seemed infinite, got teleported. He couldn't remember where he was, but he looked onto his hands and saw his hands and skin were like Ghostbur's, but it looked a little grayish orange.

But other than that he felt like something was burning, under his eyes. It was tears? But it doesn't look like tears, it looked like lava. No, it is lava. He tried remembering how he died but only remembered a masked man chasing him into the nether. It was so blurry.

He tried to wipe away the tears but it couldn't just wipe away, it's lava. He wonders why it isn't hurting him. Is it because he grew a resistance to it since he died because of lava?

Phantommy was confused, then he found a little black silhouette infront of him.
"H-Hello? Who is that?" Unlike his alive-self, he felt scared. He felt threatened.

"T-Tommy..?" There was a familiar voice he heard, he just doesn't remember which voice that belongs to. Then it hit him. Tubbo.. The person who exiled him, the person he went to war with. At least, that's what he remembers of Tubbo. He doesn't remember anything else, he doesn't remember why he was exiled. But he does know that Tubbo, or anyone really, visited him while his time in Logstedshire.

"I-Is that really.. You?" Tubbo asked the familiar blonde ghost.

"I-I..I'm not Tommy. At least right now I'm not him. I-I don't know. I'm sorry." Phantommy said to the small brunette, he looked scared.

"W-What h-happend?" Tubbo sat down next to the ghost, making Phantommy a bit anxious since he knows what Tubbo is capable of.

"Please stand b-back a bit..I don't wanna hurt you.." Phantommy said to Tubbo. Then, Tubbo went 2 blocks away from Tommy and looked at him.

"Did...Dream do this?"

"D-Dream?!" Tommy started panting. He then proceeded to cry. "I-I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER HIM. PLEASE STOP. I DON'T-" Then started panting even more.

"T-TOMMY?!" Tubbo then hugged the ghost, he took a bit of damage to the lava tears dropping onto Tubbo's hand. "TOMMY, WHAT DID HE DO?"

"H-He dug up a hole..T-Then he would hurt me if I didn't put my stuff in a hole..Once I did, he would blow it up. He..Manipulated me. I thought he was my friend..I thought that even in exile I would be happy but he started putting words in my head..I..P-Please..don't hurt me."

Tubbo realized that Dream was doing the same thing to Tubbo as well, which led him to exile Tommy from his home. But then, Tommy teleported away. Leaving Tubbo confused and hurt.

Tommy unknowingly teleported away from the kind brunette, he couldn't control teleporting away but it could trigger him to if he's really afraid.
He saw another person, it looked like he had seen a blonde man with large-black wings. He isn't familiar, or at least he doesn't know for sure who this man is. But he was approaching Phantommy.

"T-Tommy I.. You turned into a ghost.." Philza said sadly.

"Please don't hurt me!" Tommy exclaimed to the winged man, looking at him.

"I won't..Hey, wanna go see Techno and Wilbur..?" Philza asked the blonde ghost.

"T-Techno..? Wilbur...?" The only memories Phantommy has with both of them are bad things, so he's most likely afraid of them. He only remembers that Wilbur was going insane in Pogtopia and Techno killing almost everyone in the Festival.

"I-I.." Phantommy didn't want to refuse, so he nodded and the winged man held Phantommy's hand then flew to Techno's house. He knocked that door to Techno's house and Techno opened the door gently.

"What." Technoblade looked like he was crying, was it because he was informed that Tommy lost his canon life? Probably that's why, since he wouldn't be the type to cry over anything really.

"I want you to meet someone.." Phil then showed Techno to Phantommy, Phantommy looked at Techno in the eyes and then stood behind Phil, like he was afraid. "He's nice, don't worry."

Phantommy nodded and went infront of Phil, and let Techno see him. "I-I..Tommy-" Techno looked at the blonde ghost who was crying lava.

Techno then hugged him and Phantommy hugged him back, he was scared of him but he seemed like he was better than last time. Then, another ghost had appeared behind both of them. Phantommy looked at the ghost and Ghostbur cried his eyes out and also proceeded to hug him. Phantommy, being a squished sandwich, let go of them.

"Hey, Phantommy. I think that's what your name is..Can you write everything you remember in this book? It's just so that we know what you remember and don't.

Phantommy nodded and took the book, he then sat down onto Techno's chair and wrote everything that he knows.

10 Minutes go by, The other 3 Sleepy Bois were talking about Phantommy. And then Phantommy approached them with the book. "I'm done.." He then gave the book to Ghostbur.

"Hey, Phantommy. You look sad, here's some blue." Phantommy then nodded and took the blue.

Ghostbur then flipped the pages of the book and noticed Phantommy wrote 12 pages, concerned but Ghostbur read it.


Things I remember:
The Disc War.
Tubbo exiling me.

The Beach Party.
L'manburg getting blown up

Wilbur going insane

Noone visited me in Exile


It kept going on and on, it was all bad memories, Ghostbur looked at Phantommy and showed the book to Phil and Techno, then they read it. Ghostbur took Phantommy's hand and said "Hey, wanna go to L'manburg? I'm sure alot of people miss you Phantommy."

Phantommy nodded by the line of 'I'm sure alot of people miss you.' He came with Ghostbur just to make other people happy. Ghostbur smiled and teleported him and Phantommy to L'manburg. "Who did you wanna meet first?"

Phantommy shrugged and just said "A-Anyone, really. I just wanna remember who some of them are."

Ghostbur nodded and proceeded to take him to everyone's house, one by one. Everyone looked scared and upset when Ghostbur introduced Phantommy, Phantommy felt unwanted. Like he did something wrong to them, he was tired of seeing everyone looked tired and sad when they met him. "Ghostbur..Are you sure they really..Miss me? I..I feel like this is the opposite of what I thought they would do..I thought they would be happy to see me.."

"They are..! They're just shocked, that's all. They're trying to accept that you aren't Tommy anymore.. I'm sure they'll get used to you in no time! Here's some blue." Ghostbur gave Phantommy the blue. Phantommy looked more confused when he grabbed more blue.

"Where am I?" Phantommy said.

Ghostbur was shocked. "We went to L'manburg, we're back at Techno's house."

"I don't remember that.."

Ghostbur nooded and went to Phil and Techno, who were sitting down on the chairs.

"I think Phantommy had an effect to blue.." Ghostbur said.

"What do you mean 'effect'?" Philza confusedly asked.

"Well, doesn't blue remove your sadness? I think that since Tommy only has sad memories those kinds of memories will be erased, or it'll be forgotten.."

The room fell with silence, Techno facepalmed and said "Just..Leave him alone for now, let's just make him do his own thing so that he remembers some.."

Ghostbur nodded, aswell as Phil.

"I hope he's happier this way."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐧𝐝!
Word Count: 1190 Words.

I just wanna say how thankful I am for the votes, this is only my 2nd story and I'm planning on finishing it, I am trying to make the chapters longer so that you have a great time reading it after a day or two. Anyways that'll be all, I hope you're happy wherever you are in the world. Just remember I am and always will be here for you. -L0UI55E

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