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Toph's POV



"C'mon buddy!"

"Hello? It's Zuko here!"

We were all looking for Aang. Of course, he ran off. He got mad at Katara for breaking up with him and right after that, she kissed Zuko. Truth be told, I've always had a crush on Aang. I just never wanted to tell him. I've never been able to trust someone. Don't ask me why cause I don't know. I just can't.

"I'll look for him over here", I say as I run to a pond in the middle of the woods. I couldn't feel Aang that easily so even when I felt a pebble, I thought it was him and got my hopes up.

"Gaah!", I yelled as I tripped over a rock. I braced for impact, but felt nothing.

"You really have to be more careful.", Aang said, catching me. I could hear his smile. I could sense him looking in my eyes. I decided to break the ice.

"So, uhm. You and Katara?"

"Yep, we're officially done.", he said, frowning. I felt like I had ruined the moment. Looks like I just froze the ice even more.(I didn't know what to write okay!)

"Well, everyone's looking for you. Let's go back."

"Wait. Can't it just be the two of us for a few more minutes.", Aang smiled.

"Fine TwinkleToes." I grumbled. Aang started to skip rocks. I started to play with rocks, spinning them in the air(if you need a visual then think of when Haru hit one of the fire nation navy people with the coal). I suddenly felt a pair of arms around me.

"Oh my god! There you guys are! I thought you got captured or worse!", Katara exclaimed, worried sick.

"What? We've only been gone for a couple minutes.", I asked, confused. Everyone looked at me and Aang like we were crazy.

"You've been gone for 2 hours", Zuko said, with a concerned look. Wow, I guess with TwinkleToes time flies. We went back to camp and I felt something furry on my shoulder.

"Momo!", I exclaimed. I could feel Aang stare at me with joy. I could tell he was glad I was getting along with the animals. I've also noticed that whenever me and Aang are alone, not even alone, alone, his heartbeat would go crazy. I kinda hoped it was cause why I thought it was.

1 year later

"Hey Toph?", I heard Aang say.

"Coming", I reply, knowing it was more of a question than a greeting. I sat on the bed. He held my hands.

"What's up TwinkleToes?", I said, confused why his heartbeat was through the roof. I feel soft lips against mine as my eyes go wide. Aang senses this and he backs away.

Aang POV

"I-I' so sorry. I didn't even think how you wo-", I start, but I get cut off by lips smashing against mine. 

"It's fine TwinkleToes", Toph says, as she pulls away, smiling. Not her usual smirk, it was an actual smile. I softly hold her hand. It was pale, cold, and yet, still soft. I look at her. I never noticed her true beauty until now. How beautiful her pearl white eyes are, or how clear her skin is. Then, Zuko walked in. 

"U-uh, want me to tell Katara or you wanna tell everyone", Zuko said. I look at Toph.

"We got this", she says.

"Okay...", he replies, awkwardly walking out backwards with finger guns. We both burst out laughing. Once we got our breath back, we hold hands again, coming to an agreement to tell everyone.

"Hey guys!", I say.

"You're doing all the talking", Toph mumbles under her breath, holding my arm.

"Hey guys", Suki says with a knowing smirk. She looks at Sokka. He's mirroring Her facial expression.

"Hey cutest couple ever", Sokka says, smirking.

"Ahhh! Finally! You guys kept us waiting for way too long!", Suki says, breaking out of her serious form from before.

"Wait. How'd you know?", Toph says, confused about what's going on.

"I guess we weren't subtle enough", I start, smirking at the next thing I said. "...BlindGirl"

("Hey! Isn't this what Aang called Toph in your other story!?"



Another year later

"Hey BlindGirl", I say as I walk up to Toph and Peck her lips.

"Hey TwinkleToes", she replied with a smile. Anyway, things are going good. Katara and Zuko are still together and Sokka and Suki are too. Me and Toph are doing better than ever. We've become more public about our relationship. We kiss in public, and we call each other nicknames. Our favorites: TwinkleToes and BlindGirl.

The End

Word Count: 778

Bye Luvs🌹

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