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Suga's POV:

"We need a nurse!"



These sounds were the hint as to what could be going on behind the closed wooden door. A small, grey haired boy sat alone on a bench, waiting for what seemed like hours. He had his head held between his legs, trying desperately to stop tears from flowing freely down his face. He blamed himself for what had happened and no one would be able to change his mind...


I awoke to the sound of electronic humming, not knowing quite where I was or how I got there. Set on my lower body was a blanket of paper-like texture. I attempted to sit up further to survey the room, but my entire body groaned in protest. So I just had to try and see to the best of my ability, though I already had my suspicions on where I was.

Lifeless, gray walls surrounded me, several paintings put on them in a feeble attempt to lighten up the room. White blinds fell in front of large windows, blocking out the night sky. Set beside me was an IV, bleeping in a rhythmic fashion. It was just as I had feared.

I was in a hospital.

The only thing that made it almost bearable was the sound of a familiar voice from somewhere beside me.

"Suga? You're awake?" Daichi was trying to keep his voice calm, but it cracked in several places, sounding like he was trying to hold back tears.

And that's when I remembered what happened. That's when I realized why my neck hurt so badly and my throat was so very dry. And in a fraction of a second I wanted nothing more than for Daichi to leave, or for the earth to open up and swallow me whole. Either would work.

"Yeah..." I said, my voice raspy and dry.

He had what could only be described as a conflict of emotion set upon his face. His eyes were happy, yet were on the verge of crying from sorrow. His mouth was in the form of a small smile, not being able to decide quite between joyous and miserable.

"When I- I mean I though- There was no-" he stumbled over his words, not being able to stick to a complete thought. He stopped for a moment, thinking over what he was going to say next carefully. "Why? Why didn't you tell me?"

I smiled bitterly: "I couldn't..."

My voice was even raspier the second time, and it was painful to speak.

"But... but why?" he questioned more pleasingly.

"Because, I just couldn't," I whispered, tears forming at the edges of my eyes.

He nodded solemnly, walking over to my and giving my hand a quick squeeze.

"I'll be back soon, tomorrow evening at the latest," he said before slipping out of the door.

"I'll be waiting."


Pretty soon a couple nurses had come trickling in, doing several tests to see how I was doing. They told me I should refrain from speaking as to not farther harm my already injured neck. Set on said neck were several bruises each of varying degrees. Some where just a light brown while others were nearly as black as a raven's wing.

I hated every second of the checkup, wanting to be just left alone in piece. I understand why they were there, they thought I was unstable. But I wasn't in my mind. I was in a perfect state of mind, knowing exactly what I was meant to do. The action not being carried out to its full extend was what annoyed me.

They asked me several questions, mainly about mental health. They varied heavily though, and the nurses had my right down my answers. The questions ranged from when this started getting really bad to which medication I took. It was something I would never want to do again. I hate talking about myself and that was all they expected me to do.

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