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Sugawara's POV:

I stared at the wall for god knows how long after Oikawa left, contemplating our conversations. What did he think of me now? He didn't seem to be in a state of pity which was nice. It was good to know at least one thing in my life hadn't changed. Before I really knew what I was doing I grabbed my phone from off the table next to me and typed in the number Oikawa had given me. I typed in several things but ended up erasing them, none of it sounding quite right. Eventually I settled on a rather simple message:

Hey, it's Sugawara

After I sent it I chucked my phone at the end of my bed, hiding under my covers as I waited for a reply. To this day I'm still not quite sure why I was so terrified of his response, but it freaked me out to think of what he could possibly say. What if he somehow hated me from that one message? Maybe I shouldn't have used the comma or the apostrophe, did it make me seem like I thought I was smart? I knew I wasn't but I didn't want to give Oikawa the wrong idea. My brain went through quite a few thoughts like that before my phone buzzed. Though it was a short response time it still felt like hours, and I warily flipped open my phone, petrified to read the contents.

~ Oikawa ~
Hey, I wasn't expecting a text so fast

Dammit, I knew I should've waited longer. Now I probably seemed really needy. I set down my phone for a second, picking it back up and texting a somewhat thought-out reply.

I wanted to get your number in my phone before I lost the paper...

My thumb pressed send before I could think myself out of it. What a stupid excuse. He probably wanted me to lose the paper.

~Oikawa ~

A small grin appeared on my lips.


We talked for a majority of that evening, but eventually he had to go. I laid in eerie silence for the rest of the night, surrounded by only darkness and the sound of my thoughts. But eventually the sun did scrape its way into my room, illuminating everything around me. The darkness was then gone but the thoughts were sticking like glue.


I stared at the lukewarm meal in front of me, swirling it around with my fork. Now that I was a little bit better I was allowed to eat in the cafeteria. So I sat alone at one of the circular tables, my stomach refusing to let me eat anything. In order to be released from the psych ward I was inevitably going to end up in I knew that I had to eat, but it was so difficult for the thought of food to not repulse me. Five minutes went by, and another quickly followed. Eventually I brought the food to my lips and ate it, the doughy noodles assaulting my tastebuds. Bile formed at the base of my throat but I quickly swallowed it with the food and called it a day. That was enough eating for now.

When I tried to get up to dump my tray my body refused to cooperate, exhaustion seeping into my limbs. So I date for a few more minutes, staring out the window at nothing. Then my phone vibrated.

He-owdy :)

Shouldn't you be in class?

I have an off period

Which are supposed to be used for homework

But homework is so boring
And isn't it more fun talking to me than whatever you where doing before?

You know, for someone who's so popular with the girls you really are a dork

You love my dorkiness and you know it

{Hiatused} Inked Validation ~ OiSuga Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now