The Tree

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The tree waits and waits
Longing for more than just green leaves
Longing for the bright red, yellow, and orange a blaze
She waits
Wanting the season to change ever so badly
The summer was hot and dreary
Needing the fall like breeze
She longed for fall
The breathe of wind howling across the lands
All though, for her
It never seem to change
She was stuck in a forever summer

Summer was hot and never ending
The boiling days made her weak and tired
Seeing her leaves fall is all she wanted
Yet, she sits and waits
A never ending wait
The delay was something she could not stand
All she wanted was to be naked and shown to the world
As herself and nothing else

Her life was long
But, the wait seemed longer
Longer than the measure of time
Or it seemed like that

Her only compainons were the childern
The childern ran around her everyday
She felt that they were the only hope
Hope for the fall
Even though that meant they would not be around as often
She knew that it meant they would grow
Just like she wanted to

The way she wanted change so badly was strange
For her
Change was the color of bright red, yellow, and orange a blaze

Poems by a Low Life Poet Where stories live. Discover now