2. After the After Party

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6:30 pm: the reception had started.
location: Sweet Apple Acres

6:35 pm: Rarity still trying to hold it together through the rest of the night.


Rarity had to admit, the food was quite delectable. She had no doubts about that. It was made by Granny Smith after all.
Rarity recalled not too long ago- her and Granny Smith had been sitting on the couch in the Apple's living room. Granny had been showing Rarity a scrapbook filled with filly photos of Applejack. They were (obviously) adorable.

"Oooawhh," Rarity had cooed at the site. "She was such a little cutie pie." Of course Rarity still thought this but she kept that thought to herself.

Applejack had walked in on them looking at her infant butt and turned as red as the apples growing on the trees outside.

"R-Rarity I thought you just stopped by to pick up Sweetie Belle's teddy bear...I didn't know y-you," Applejack was obviously flustered as she stammered covering her eyes with her hat.

"Oh darling, you don't have to embarrassed with me, you are- were SIMPLY precious!" Rarity gushed. She looked up at Applejack and smirked.

Applejack laughed uncomfortably as she tugged at her collar. "Alriiiight then. I'll just uh- leave y'all to it."

Rarity sighed heavily as the memory had faded once again. That was only a year ago. Her and Rainbow must've begun dating sometime around then.

Rarity feared that every good moment she had shared with Applejack had been a lie; that there had never been anything between them after all. All those times Rarity had been so sure that the country girl had felt something when she was with Rarity. All the times when their eye contact was held a little longer than it should (and they both knew it) for two best friends. Rarity fiddled with her hair in dismay until she felt a soft tap on her right shoulder.

   She looked up to be greeted by Fluttershy's kind face looking at her with a gentle smile.

    "You okay, Rarity?" The shy girl questioned the fashionista. "You don't seem quite yourself this evening."

     Rarity had wondered how this marriage was affecting Fluttershy. She had secretly wondered if there had been something between Dash and her- weather it was just in her fantasies or could possibly be a reality, but unfortunately, nothing ever came from it. Fluttershy did have Discord after all.

    "Oh yes, me? I'm fine darling, just a slight headache." Rarity patted Fluttershy's hoof reassuringly.

    Fluttershy didn't seem satisfied with her answer but brushed it off not wanting to get too much into it, particularly now.

     The two had been the first to sit down at their places with a gorgeous meal in front of them. Soon came Twilight and Pinkie Pie joining them.

     "GIRLS GIRLS! Fun fact, I made the wedding cake! Ha!" Pinkie squealed excitedly. She reached over Twilight's lap and grabbed a breadstick.

     "Ah Pinkie! Can you watch it please? And obviously you made it. You only told us a million times, and you are the best baker in Ponyville after all," Twilight smiled at the pink pony.

    Pinkie bopped Twilight's head with the breadstick.

   "Glad you picked up on that Twi!" She dug into the appetizer.

     Fluttershy chuckled while Rarity turned to see out of the corner of her eye- Rainbow Dash and Applejack looking at the cake together. Their backs were towards her so she couldn't see their facial expressions, not like she needed to. She knew they were probably overwhelmed with joy.

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