1. Her Face

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After the wedding had happened Rarity felt numb from the feeling. The bitter taste left in her mouth was less obvious as the days went on and felt like she could breathe again.

Seeing her face up there with...her was one of the absolute last things Rarity could've ever imagined happening. She didn't understand when or how they became but weather Rarity liked it or not- the vows had been said.


"Do you, Rainbow Dash, take Applejack to be your lawfully wedded-"

"Yeah, yeah, of course I do!"

The rainbow haired mare's voice rang loud and clear as the audience gave a slight chuckle. The priest was not as amused. He cleared his throat and moved on to the calmer mare across from Rainbow Dash.

"And do you Applejack, take um...this mare here to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Applejack smiled at Rainbow Dash who was winking at her.

"Well shucks, I suppose I do," she responded confidently.

     Not so subtle to pass by Rainbow Dash, the priest leaned to Applejack and whispered:

   "Are you sure?"

  In to which Rainbow Dash retorted   "Hey! I heard that."

      Applejack reached for Rainbow Dash's hooves as the blue mare's face grew scarlett.

     "Yeah. I'm pretty sure about this one."

      The two girls beamed at each other lovingly whilst the priest tsk'd under his breath but continued on.

      "Well then...by the power invested in me, by the town of ponyville and the great land of Equestria, I now pronounce you, mare and wife."

    The line hit Rarity like a sack of potatoes. She attempted swallowing but that appeared to be out of the question as her throat grew dry. She knew what came next and she didn't know if she could handle it.

    "Excuse me Twilight, could you hold my flowers?" she leaned over to Twilight Sparkle.

     "Rarity, this is the big part! Are you really gonna use the restroom now?" She whispered back.

     It was becoming harder and harder to hold back the tears that were daring to come out.

"I- I have to fix my hair, f-for the reception." Rarity managed to say. "Excuse me."

     This time she didn't wait for Twilight's response, she shoved past her and her other friends who were lined in the same row next to the soon to be newly weds. She saw a couple of heads turn as she swiftly made her way out of the room. Loud cheers could be heard bursting through the room as Rarity desperately tried to make an escape. When she stepped in the hallway, the noise drained a bit but she could still hear the echos from the corridor.

    Rarity locked the bathroom door behind her and broke down. She felt the mascara sting her eyes as it streamed down her porcelain cheeks. Not even caring anymore, she slid down the door and chucked her high heels against the wall. Rarity's sobs were loud but she tried to muffle them with her dress. She was rethinking even coming at this point.

   You were so close! You almost pulled yourself together!

Rarity pondered about how much time she was planning to spend in there. At least till that kiss is over.

When she heard the noise die down she got up, dusted herself off, and recomposed herself. She took out her spare cosmetics from her purse and started re applying the makeup that had been lost from the tears. Rarity rehearsed a smile worthy to show in front of others but it kept faltering. Keep it together, what ever you do, keep it together.

Once Rarity decided she could show her face she shuffled out of the restroom and slipped back into the main room.
She spotted all her friends laughing and congratulating Rainbow Dash and Applejack. They looked really happy.

Rarity heaved a heavy sigh and plastered a huge grin on her face as she strode over to the group.

Almost immediately Applejack's eyes met with hers. "Hey sugarcube!"

Rarity cringed internally at the nickname she secretly loved so much.

"Where were you? I was worried about 'ya," Applejack confessed.

Rarity's heart held false hope. "Worried? About me?"

"Well, yeah you kind of just took off according to egghead here," Rainbow pointed out referring to Twilight who rolled her eyes in response.

"Oh! That," Rarity's fake laugh came out louder than she intended. "I uhh had to use the ladies room. Emergency and all that. So so sorry I missed the..." She couldn't finish that sentence. "The uh..."

Luckily she didn't have to finish because Pinkie Pie shouted abruptly: "Hey! Less TP talk more PARTY WALK!!"

Pinkie hadn't realized obviously, but she had saved Rarity's ass in the moment. For that, she was eternally grateful.

The rest of the mares went back to their conversation but Rarity avoided any and all interaction. She'd normally love this, a wedding. How perfectly wonderful it would've been for any other couple. However it's not so wonderful when you watch the one you secretly love marry another.

And they're both your best friends.


lemme know what u think 😳 im so excited for this!

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