4 Confiding and Loathing

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Rarity looked down at their hooves that were still latched together.

"I could never hate you."

Applejack looked even more confused. Rarity seemed sure but you never really know with that girl.

"B-but at the party...I said things I should have never said to y-"

"I promise you, it was never about the party," Rarity sighed. "You had every right to call me out the way you did. I was selfish."

"But why?" Applejack's grip loosened on Rarity's hoof until it dropped completely.

"You know me," Rarity chuckled. "Always being a drama queen... I really should get going now. I'll see you next week darling."

Without waiting on Applejack's response, the alabaster mare ran off.


Angel tapped impatiently pointing to his empty salad bowl with his typical stern look. No matter how old Fluttershy would get, Angel had never taken pity on her. It was sort of comforting in an odd way. It was almost as a reminder that some things will never change.

   Fluttershy's life had remained a peaceful one- even since marrying Discord. He had the kindest most gentle soul of anyone deep down, Fluttershy had never been more in love. At least that's what she told herself. Another side of her however, a side she never liked to admit finally realized there were days when she still thought about a certain rainbow maned pegasus. She was someone Fluttershy had known all her life, even longer than the rest of the girls. They were only about seven when they had meant and despite their differences, had been inseparable ever since. Sure, Rainbow Dash could be pushy, cocky, get angry and frustrated with Fluttershy easily but she couldn't help it. A part of her knew...she loved her. Yes it was true indeed, even though Dash had some of Fluttershy's least favorite characteristics in a person, somehow she always made up for them. Years ago, Fluttershy had suspected after several encounters with her childhood friend that maybe something may have been brewing between them. Alas, it had been Applejack and Rainbow Dash all along. Fluttershy was not sure when this had started or when it got serious but all she knew was that one day, something had obviously switched. Fluttershy really started to notice after Applejack and Rainbow Dash had come back from helping the young six on their camping trip. They looked at each other..differently back at the school. They of course had argued the whole time and practically tried to kill one another, not only putting themselves, but the children in danger as well. In the end, everything was okay; from a bit of help from Twilight of course. Fluttershy supposed that had always been their dynamic. Maybe Passion had been fueling their fights all along and that is what initially drove the attraction. Fluttershy personally didn't understand it. Why would you want someone who could make you so...worked up? She told herself she would never understand it. After all, when Rainbow Dash yells at Fluttershy, she backs down, when Rainbow Dash yells at Applejack, Aj yells right back. Maybe that's what Rainbow Dash likes. Craves even. Maybe all along she wanted someone to match her fire with hers. But then..what about Applejack and Rarity? They argued just as much, if not more. The two of them were drastically different in terms of appearance, attitude, and just overall certain ways of living. What made their friendship so beautiful was that even though they were so different, they matched each other quite well. At least, Fluttershy had always thought that. Just like Rainbow Dash, when Applejack would say something rude to Rarity, she'd comment something snarky right back. The three of them were definitely the feistiest of the group of six. Fluttershy wasn't as entertained by their arguments as the other girls were but she could understand it at least and she knew she'd never relate. It just wasn't who she was. Fluttershy's curiosity was eating at her now. She wanted to pry so desperately though she told herself otherwise. You have Discord, you have Discord, you have Discord! But she just had to know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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