3. Things Change

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(A/N: keep in mind pony years go by faster than human ones in this story)

Years had gone by since that night at the wedding. The mane six, as inseparable as they were, were now growing apart through distance as they all started the new chapter in their life. They still had their annual meetup at Twilight's castle, same time every year. As amazing as it was, it was always slightly painful for Rarity. She knew she had to move on but she couldn't help it. Every time she would lock eyes with Applejack, she would feel something in her strike a nerve that made her want to run out of the room and smash something, but she obviously never did this. That's no way a lady behaves.

"Sweetie Belle! I'm heading out now," Rarity called to her sister.

"Alright! I'm heading over to the school now as well," the lavender haired pony replied.

"How is working there anyway?" Rarity asked while slipping on her robe. It was navy with a sparkle to it and trimmed with fur. (Faux of course)

"It's amazing! I feel so grown up!" Sweetie Belle smiled happily. She aimed her horn as she started packing her satchel.

"Well, that is because you are grown up, darling. I remember when you were just a filly and always getting into mischief and now..."

Rarity trailed off. A wave of sadness overwhelmed her as a bitter look crossed her face. "Now things are so different."

"Pshh, are you talking about your grey hairs? Rarity I told you, it's just a part of aging. You can't stay young forever. Besides, you still look absolutely gorgeous as you always have!" Sweetie reassured her elder sister.

Rarity quickly reached her hoof up to pat the top of her own head and frowned. "No...it's not that. I suppose I've gotten used to them now, although you might've just made me insecure again."

"Sorry," the younger sister admitted sheepishly. "Hey...are you okay, Rares?"

Rarity made eye contact with her sister and pondered her awaited answer.

"Why of course I am, I suppose I'm just a little more dejected each year..we're all getting older and I just can't imagine how Twilight will feel when we all-" Rarity didn't dare finish her sentence. She never wanted to acknowledge that someday this moment would come. It was the subject that the whole group knew was there but it was never brought up for obvious reasons.

    Sweetie Belle stayed silent but her eyes held a sorrowful stare at Rarity.

    "Speaking of well...death," Rarity began. "Granny Smith's funeral is this weekend. I need to go out and by some flowers for Appleja- the Apple family."

     Sweetie Belle nodded. "I meant to tell you, I'm gonna sleep over with Apple Bloom that night. Scootaloo and me will be her emotional support."

Rarity smiled proudly and placed a hoof on her sisters cheek. "You my dear, are very generous."

Rarity felt warmth under her hoof which meant Sweetie was blushing at the fact that her sister, who she had looked up to for so long, was praising her. This made Rarity's heart soar. She knew they weren't the easiest pair at times but they were still sisters. They still had an oath to each other and an unbreakable bond. Rarity was terrified to loose that all one day when her time would come.

   Rarity took her hoof back and quickly looked up to the ceiling so her tears would not spill, eventually causing her mascara to be ruined. "See you later then?" Rarity asked her sister.

   "See you!" Sweetie Belle called as the two sisters parted ways.


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