Chapter Seven - The Live Rahry

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I made a few changes in Chapter Six. Go and take a look if you think you should. It wasn't major edits, though. Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to a reader who just made my day. :)


Chapter Seven - The Live Rahry

          "Safia, hold on!" she yelled, running after me.

          I ran faster, my racing heart beating even quicker. "You'll never catch me, you sissy!" I shouted back, laughing.

          I looked over my shoulder and saw her a few steps away from me. She sprinted towards me, so I rushed around a corner and hid between two walls with a small, dark gap between them, my back pressed on the cold wall. I held my breath and watched as Kosh ran past me, then I released my breath and returned to my room.

          After closing the door, I moved the drawer, which was beside my bed and near my door, in front of the door and made sure Kosh would have a hard time opening my door. Kosh wanted to take me somewhere I haven't heard of yet. I forgot what it was, but I wasn't in the mood for more adventures. I was tired and exhausted. Those adventures could wait for tomorrow. All my energy was gone because of the exercises I did to help discover my purpose. And so far, things weren't good.

          I sat on my stiff bed and took of my soft, grassy slippers. I tried to wipe it off by sliding the slippers against the floor, but I couldn't wipe it off. I heard Remekiah's hisses, but I ignored it. I didn't want to talk to him right now. Tired, I lay on my bed, relaxing on my back.

          Several minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

          I looked at the door. It was not the door my room had. The difference between the two doors were pretty obvious. My door was dark, but it was not this dark. And it had no lock, nor a keyhole--That's why I needed to move the drawer in front of the door to prevent Kosh from opening it--but the door in front of me had a big, dark keyhole with intricate designs beside it. As I scanned the room I was in, I realized I was obviously in a different place. There was a fireplace sitting across the room, and the closet was in a different position.

          "I'm not in my room," I breathed.

          "Safi?" he called.

          As I tilted my head, my eyes met his, and once again, I felt lost in those crystal blue eyes of his, but I didn't want to find my way back. He was wearing the same shirt and the same pants. When he caressed my face, I acted by instinct. I leaned into his chest and felt him caress my hair and my back.

          "I wish we could stay like this, Safi," he whispered into my ears.

          I blushed, "Uh, y-yes, I wish we could stay like this, too."

          He stopped caressing my hair, then he placed his finger under my chin and lifted my face, my eyes meeting his again. He asked, "You... You don't want us to stay like this?"

          I shook my head quickly. "No," I said. "No, that's not it. I just..." My arms were shaking as I tried to finish my sentence. I felt like my face was getting hotter and hotter with every second that passed.

          "You just what?"

          "I feel... I feel so..." I buried my face in his chest. I was blushing again. As he was about to lift my face to make me look at him, I shouted, "I'm blushing. Please don't look at me!" then I blushed even more.

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