Chapter 13

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First of all, let me say this. I did play the game but I forgot some of the storyline so I follow the animation (some of them).

Also, let me tell you beforehand. I did not get the wrong storyline.
Enjoy XD

"I don't think it's necessary to tell you," you hissed as you pulled your forearm from his grasp.

"But," you paused, "I can't believe I'm going to say this, one thing you need to know is--"

"She is a mole~ She works under me in this academy~" Monokuma suddenly appeared behind you and dancing around.

That's now what I'm going to say!

"I see. So that's why," he mumbled and left the cafeteria. Monokuma also disappeared.

One thing you need to know is...

You went by the storeroom before going back to your room and sleep.

You just need to trust me...

The next day...

You are all free to explore the third floor.

There are recreation room, physics lab, art room and classroom 3-A, 3-B. Still, no luck.

But you found a camera in physics lab. You, Ishimaru and Naegi are checking in that lab. Ishimaru still froze like a statue and did not talk ever since Oowada's execution.

"What's this big thing?" Naegi wondered.

Monokuma suddenly appeared again, "it's a time machine, y'know?"

And for the first time in forever, Ishimaru talked. "R-Really? Then I... have... to stop bro..."

"But unfortunately, it can only go to one minute to the past!" It laughed which makes Ishimaru back to gloomy. It explained that it is actually air purifier.

What a good one for a cruel joke...

You handed that camera to Celes afterwards since they all agreed to use it only in emergencies.

You found something is weird. You have ever explored the third and forth floor, but you never found a picture of Kuwata, Oowada and Fujisaki before.

I... never saw this before... I did check every corner that I worn out. It's like... someone dropped it, but who? Not that bastard Monokuma, of course!?

That picture is just lying on the floor. After Naegi saw it, he quickly called the others. But just when everyone looks at it, Monokuma appeared and snatched it.

"I guess we don't know each other before coming to this academy..."

"Do they... actually still alive?"

"No way," Kirigiri said. "We saw them dead by our own eyes."

By the word of 'dead', every scene of dead body you all saw repeats on your minds.

After the explore, everyone decides to go on their own while you went to the recreation room.

"Oh?" You said when you saw someone's sitting there. "It's you, Celestia."

You saw her sitting with such elegan style and she has poker cards on her hand.

"Ara, (s/n)-san. Good day," she smiled to you.

You know this is a bad idea, but "care for a game?" You glances at the cards on her hand.

I'm going to lose shitlessly.

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