02. Nice hike

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Kyle was waiting at the docks on his phone in soul bay having got there fifteen minutes early and waiting for everyone to show up the first to arrive was Yokoi he smiled at Kyle having not seen him in a few years the next were David, Karen then Rose and Rory, Linda and then Harry, Ron and Ruby the last to arrive was Chrissy finally once all eleven were gathered they checked they all had what they needed before heading out towards the woods of course the group moved in a line of two catching up with each other as they ignored the view around them as the sun shone through the leaves of the trees Kyle no longer called a forest a beautiful sight being in many types of places wishing he could help others but can't after what happened with his team

Yokoi: so man what has happened Kyle: so why exactly did you want me to come along on this because I find it a little odd to call someone to do something they do a lot Yokoi: well I wanted to talk to you about something is all Kyle: ya and what would that reason be Yokoi: well I'm getting married and I was hoping you could be my best man since I known you since high school Kyle: oh I mean sure I didn't know you were getting married Yokoi: I never said I'm also a little worried for you you're always on missions I just think you need a break from your job at least a month from it

This wasn't something new to Kyle as a lot of people always told him he needed a break from his job but every day Kyle would always think about his next mission being the life of a soldier civilians think it's all adventure and meeting the one you love not everyone thinks about the bad parts in the job like the people you lose soldiers sometimes have to keep the world from falling into chaos they keep things from spreading to other places

Kyle: so who's the person you're getting married to Yokoi: oh she's a girl named Eve she is amazing I never thought I would find someone like her Kyle: ya well you should feel lucky since you found the love of your life Yokoi: oh I didn't mean to- Kyle: no it's fine

Kyle always thought of Yokoi as his little brother as he was the one who had to look after him in high school since Yokoi was the smart kid that was always picked on but always cares for those around them no matter what happened but more for his friends Kyle always wants to do things for Yokoi but he never wants it the group continued to walk for a few hours talking about how work and life had been like David complained about his roommate how he was keeping the apartment a mess and each time he got home he had to clean up the group had agreed on certain places to camp at each night

Ruby: hey Kyle Yokoi aren't you two getting tired Yokoi: um ya that's because he does this thing a lot it's a part of his job and I can do this because I work out every day Kyle: I mean I done this that many times I have had to run over fifty miles in one day so this is like the easiest thing to me maybe Yokoi and I should slow down for you guys Karen: your wearing boots heavier then any of ours and yet your still ahead of us Ron: man your really fast and strong Kyle: thank you

We all looked back to see Ron and his girlfriend Linda arriving huffing and puffing

Linda: well at least you guys are waiting for us to catch up Ron: ya thanks you guys for realising we were falling behind

The group had to wait as some of the group wanted to rest after a few minutes the group continued their walk they arrived at the first campsite Karen gave everyone their jobs but Kyle didn't listen as he knew what he was doing setting up the tents for everyone with Yokoi Kyle had to show how to set the tent up properly so it was hard to do much to it Kyle looked up just in time to spot a shooting star knowing that it crashed nearby he smirked having never seen a space rock before

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