22. Stand off

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Kyle looked around for a few more minutes before he looked at the bed seeing it's a bit rusted giving him an idea he pulled at the bed till it came off the wall basically throwing it at the door a few times till the door had been ripped off the hinges landing on the ground with a loud thud walking through looking at the walls Ua'sa looked at him a little shocked before he grabbed the keys off the wall Kyle looked at him with a smile as he unlocked the door hearing steps coming down the stairs Kyle told Ua'sa to head to the other side of the doorway as one yautja walked in Kyle attacked it taking them down as Ua'sa dealt with the other one taking a few seconds to immobilize them they ran up to the top of the pyramid to see Ua'sa's father just standing there working on something more guards came in as they pointed their plasma casters at them

Leader: well it looks like you both are resourceful I was going to wait for a little bit before I dealt with you but you're forcing my hand I didn't expect you to break out this quick

Kyle growled as Ua'sa's father walked closer looking at the two before moving back to what he was doing Kyle tried to see what was going on he soon walked over to Ua'sa being a little worried Kyle tried to do anything knowing he was going to do something but the guards kept him down as he shoved something down Ua'sa's throat

Leader: now I know you like my son I could see it so why don't I make him the one to end you

Scared Kyle rushed over to Ua'sa unsure what happened before he grabbed Kyle by the throat Kyle hit his hand getting Ua'sa to drop him as the guards passed him some Dah'kte (wristblades) Kyle thought about grabbing a weapon off of one of the guards but that wouldn't end well and he knew that so he didn't try looking around he backed up into a corner

Kyle: Ua'sa you know who I am I'm your friend you saved me Leader: give up your not going to get through to him Kyle: you trained me you know that

The look in his eyes was different Ua'sa razed his arm and thrust his arm down Kyle ducked under his arm getting up getting hit in the back of the head he moved back thinking about what he would do next as Ua'sa grabbed him by his shirt throwing him in the direction of his father landing next to him Kyle looked up at him as Ua'sa jumped on top of him

Kyle: you don't want to do this I know you

Ua'sa razed his arm and held it there for a few seconds before thrusting down Ua'sa's father smiled before being kicked off his feet by Kyle to his shock lost at what just happened

Leader: what the hell how Ua'sa: really I said I was Dhi"rauta (cunning) but Kyle is also the same he had a feeling of what you would do and how you would act so we made a... Kyle: mock-up of Auna Amutas wasn't the exact thing but would counteract the effects of the God's Influence we recently swapped it for what you gave the ladies where the food prepping was so once everyone is out of the effect they will never have to worry about it again I even gave myself an altered dose to be sure Leader: there is no way you could have done that Kyle: it's true all this was just acting we faked it all I knew you would be listening to the whole thing in the dungeons Ua'sa: everything we said down there was fake we planned the whole thing out we knew how to get out of the cells since the doors hadn't been replaced since they'd been made but we did replace one and that's where you'll be staying when we put you in there Kyle: we also took the liberty of burning your plants so you don't have any God's Influence left Leader: you little- Ua'sa: ah no just shut up

Kyle grabbed Ua'sa's father and walked with Ua'sa as they threw him into the cells

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