09. Lost mind

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On his knees Kyle had started to cry as his mind filled with things people had said to him in the past thinking about all he had done before letting it go Kyle looked around for a weapon grabbing a branch sharpening one end with his blunt knife till it would be able to pierce something running in the same direction as the creature that took his last friend out right enraged the only thought he had was if he could save him or if he was already dead Kyle knew he would try and kill the creature even if it was the last thing he would do

Pressing against the wall Kyle opened up the ship finding all the walls were mostly fixed like the ship had been repairing it self while they were gone looking around Kyle ran down the halls looking for the creature to run into a room full of creatures not all from this planet some viciously attacked there cage Kyle spotted one creature that just sat in it's cage it had a charcoal black shell that was shiny it looked like it was meditating in its spot before jumping at the cage scaring Kyle a little it went back to its spot unsure what was friend or foe he left the room continuing to explore for the creature coming up to the last room he opened the door to find a horrific sight of Yokoi and the rest of his friends dead hung up in different ways skinned or parts missing from their bodies

Kyle almost started to cry again running out of the ship Kyle yell out into the open trying to get the creatures attention before getting knocked to the side losing his grip on the branch dropping it Kyle looked up to see the other creature standing there the creature went to grab Kyle but he ducked under it dodging his hand by near inches hitting it in the stomach in the process grabbing the branch he was ready to fight it looking the creature in the eyes thinking about its cloak he saw it raze its hand to his brace Kyle hit the creatures hand away also hitting it's brace in the process but it broke the branch

Looking at it Kyle dropped it he was slapped hitting him into the ship pulling out his blunt knife he stood in his training combat stance knowing he may not be able to do much with the knife he knew the end was sharp so he tried to stab the creature but the creature caught his hand stopping him but couldn't when he dropped the knife into his other hand stabbing the creature in the stomach it let out a scream before kicking Kyle down breaking a few of his ribs in the process Kyle looked up as the creature did a war cry ripping it's mask off

Kyle: may I just say that you are one ugly-looking mother fucker

Kyle tried hard to get back up before he was hit out of the area the creature following Kyle wanting him dead Kyle looked around feeling light-headed using a tree to help him up before ripping a branch off the tree looking at one end to see it was sharp he waited for the creature to arrive only waiting for a few second as it charged at him but Kyle moved enough to dodge the attack having a tree fall in front of him Kyle could barely see as the creature charged again Kyle lift the branch as it ran into it piercing it heart it spat blood all over his face before it dropped Kyle sat down resting on a tree as he was getting worse Yokoi walked over to him

Yokoi: hey there man Kyle: didn't you die Yokoi: oh so I say hi and that's your first response but yes I am I'm just your mind trying to make this as comfortable as possible Kyle: so I know I'm dying heh well this is just swell how long do I have Yokoi: oh I don't know maybe an hour or less Kyle: so any minute

When Kyle looked back to Yokoi he was gone as he passed out

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