Tree House

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A/N: Ah, it feels good to work on something new after working on the other fics plus the natural disaster au I worked on for like, a month. Ah, now, back to fueling my writing found family and best friend addiction! I know this stuff is kinda old news with how fast the lore on this server seems to speed by, but it's my favorite era to write about, so here we are. I might write some Egg stuff and AwesomeDad while in this one-shot spree, but I don't have an idea for a plot yet.


Oh, and Technoblade is not canonically Wilbur and Tommy's brother, but the big pigman cares for the two as if they were brothers. :)

If I see a single one of you shipping the two besties in the chat I will pop off. I do not tolerate that sort of bullshit in this house.

Trigger warnings: PTSD, panic attacks, BBH would be disappointed in my language, implied abuse/manipulation. Y'all I promise this is a mostly wholesome chap-

"Do not enter is written on the doorway. Why can't everyone just go away? Except you. You can stay."



"Y'know Wilbur's going to blow the whole thing up at the festival, yeah?" Tubbo didn't make eye contact with his friend, choosing to stare at the setting moon in front of him. The morning was quickly approaching, soon the sun's sleepy rays would shine down on the very bench the two best friends sat on.

"Yeah." Tommy huffed, sounding dejected.

"What if we just...left? Start somewhere new, very far away?" Tubbo asked. Tommy blinked, turning his head to look at Tubbo.

"You're suggesting we run away?" Tommy raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Tubbo nodded. "I don't know if I can take much of this anymore, Tommy. I don't want to live in constant fear. I don't want to be near my dad anymore." Tubbo sub-consciously scratched behind one of his soft, brown, ram-like ears at the mention of the current president of Manberg. "I think it's in our best interest to leave."

Tommy didn't know if he liked this. Tommy wasn't a coward, he faced problems head-on then created more problems on purpose just so he could continue to boisterously bounce around the server. But is that the life he really wanted? L'manberg...there was no saving it. As much as Tommy hated to admit it, and hated thinking about it, the city was bound to blow up. There was no stopping his crazed brother. Sure, they could rebuild wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't be his home. Not like it used to be. Tommy's not sure he'd want L'manberg to be rebuilt again once it's gone anyway. But still. Even if it was different, it was still his home. He still had his attachments.

"I...don't know," Tommy answered honestly. "Don't get me wrong, I hate Schlatt as much as the next L'manbergian, but I...I miss L'manberg. If Wilbur blows it up, we could rebuild. Start again there." Tommy reasoned.

"I have no hope for that place anymore," Tubbo said truthfully. "I don't feel at home anywhere. But, if you don't want to leave, I don't either. Wherever you go, I'll follow you, Tommy. I won't leave you behind."

Tommy weighed his options. He could leave everyone and everything and start anew with Tubbo, maybe finally get to stretch his wings out. Fly, definitely not, he'd get banned, but at least let them flap around. Tommy was Philza's son, wings ran in the family, but only on his father's side. Tommy got wings, Wilbur did not. But, because flying wasn't allowed on the Dream SMP, and if he were banned, he'd have nowhere to go but a private world. Which would suck.

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