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A/N: What's this? An original idea? That's not from Tommy's POV? Completely ignoring the fact that in the DSMP the sleepybois dynamic is ruined? Couldn't be me-


Trigger warnings: implied malnourishment and starvation, minor injury, minor panic.

Techno remembers the painstaking months it took to let himself trust Phil. The piglin child had spent his entire life fighting, the kindness Phil had given him was so foreign, he hadn't even known what it was. He had lived alone in the wilderness for a long time before Phil had built his cabin in the woods. He used to practically be a feral animal, snorting and grunting at danger and squealing in fear if he felt too threatened. It wasn't until he learned to trust Phil that he had learned to speak properly, to read, to live without the constant fear of being hurt or killed.

Never, in a million years, did he ever expect the roles to be reversed.

With the support of his adoptive father, Phil, Techno moved to his own cabin in different woods. It was only a day's travel from Phil's place, yet still secluded enough for it to feel his own. Techno always liked his personal space, he'd often be by himself before, so he had no problem being alone. Besides, even most hybrids seemed to be afraid of him, as he was no hybrid, but an intelligent and educated piglin. There was nothing "half-human" about Technoblade, and he was proud of that. However, it did make him an outcast, so people just weren't really his thing.

It had been a few months since he'd moved in. He woke early in the morning as he always did, then checked on the garden to grab anything that had grown to edible size since the last time he checked, and to be sure his crops were safe. Techno stepped out the back door, breathing in the cool morning air and enjoying the natural music produced by the forest. Chirping birds, rustling leaves in the wind, the occasional moo from a cow in the pasture, or the cluck of a hen. Techno bred and grew his own food, so he never really had to travel to the city to buy food products. His pig-like hooves made muffled clips and clops in the dirt.

Techno opened the gate to the garden, and frowned. Well, that's odd. A whole patch of potatoes was missing, the dirt spread everywhere leaving Techno's once perfect garden a mess. He huffed in annoyance, assuming it must have been a mole or other small vermin that he'd have to dig out. He spent his morning fixing the garden and scouting the area for vermin holes. Moles, prairie dogs, gophers, or rabbits. When he found none he decided to move on with his day and moved to feed the cows, horse, and chickens.

The next morning, his garden was fine. Maybe a deer passed through and needed a snack? It was a small garden, and a pretty tall fence, but deer were fucking crazy, so Techno supposed it wouldn't be too outlandish of an idea.

The next morning, the garden had been raided again, this time the vermin had destroyed some of his wheat crops too. This wasn't good. Techno knew if this kept up, he wouldn't have enough food in the winter, and would have to ask Phil for help.

He absolutely hated asking for help.

So he set up a trap in hopes of catching whatever animal was digging through his food. After feeding the animals, of course.

Two nights later, Techno woke to loud screaming. It was the middle of the night, but Techno was awake in seconds as he grabbed his sword and rushed outside. It was dark, the sky only just beginning to grow lighter with the approaching sunrise. The path was lit with lanterns, however, so Techno was easily able to find the source of the screaming.

Something had fallen into his trap. His trap consisted of a trigger and a heavy weighted net, so the festering ball of net and animal wasn't unexpected. What was unexpected was the fact that the screaming sounded human. Which paired strangely with the shape of large, flapping wings underneath the net being the most prominent movement in the whole mess. Was it an avarial? Phil was an avarial. Maybe they were just hungry. Techno could get behind that. Techno approached slowly, his sword poised at his side.

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