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Schlatt secured the helmet tightly onto Tubbos head, making sure he wouldnt be hurt, Tubbo however was set on trying to get onto the actual bike not caring about saftey in the slightest. Schlatt had gone to the garage sorting through boxes looking for kneepads and shoulder pads for the small boy. Tubbo hadnt listen to his dad asking him not to get onto the bike and asking him to wait while he went somewhere, the child never liked following the rules even though he looked like the perfect son with his other reckless friends, slowly getting onto the small machinery he cocked his legs onto the pedals and started cycling down the steep hill the family lived on. As the bike picked up pace Tubbo started to squeal louder and louder untill the whole neighbor hood could hear, including Schlatt.

The tall man ran into the front garden, seeing that his son was trailing down the hill he automatically ran after it, he wasnt thinking anymore what was there to think about? His son, his only family, his pride and joy was screaming, in danger. He'd never ran as fast as he did then, he swore from day one to keep his son happy. He promised him to give him the best life he ever could.  He couldnt break his promise, snapping back to reality he saw that his son was crying, having he a tree Tubbo was sat bruised and bleeding screaming about wanting his dad.

In a rush of instinct and terror schlatt grabbed his phone and dialled 999

"999 whats your emergancy?"
"sir calm down you need to breathe, whats the problem?"
"Ok sir im going to need your name and location please"

As the receptionist took schlatts information she comforted him telling him an ambulance would arrive soon, putting schlatt at somewhat ease. He layed his son in his lap and cleaned of some of the blood of off the boys face, luckily his forehead was protected by the helmet he forced Tubbo to wear the helmet, the bike was also ok apart from a few scratches and a dent on thr metal, but that wasnt inportant right now what was, was the small boy that was in pain.

words: 383

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