message in a bottle

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It was an early summers morning and the sun had just started rising, people had just started waking up including a person names jschlatt.

Jschlatt was a business man, he looked, spoke and breathed money which he lived with aswel as his son, tubbo! Tubbo was adopted when he was a baby by schlatt when he was much poorer and sadder hoping tubbo would change the second option. Schlatt did everything for tubbo bathed,clothed,fed him ect making sure he was loved and cared for.

When schlatt started waking up he felt and odd and stingey headache though he just brushed it off as morning sickness. He started getting up out of his messy, unorganised bed and looked around noticing a bottle with a letter attached, as he loomed over to it,sitting down at his brown,long table he opened the letter reading:

"i no im only 7 but you work hard and i want to make you hapy! So i hop this makes you feel good"

Seeing the scruffed and horribly spelt handwriting he instantly knew it was tubbo who had written it. Getting curious schlatt fiddled with the cap and finally opening it he spilled the contents onto the table, seeing the little folded peices of paper he put the bottle down and slowly opened the notes reading them one by one he saw little sentences like "i lov you" and "your amasing" in tubbos iconically messy handwriting.

Schlatt carefully grabbed the notes and put them in the bottle, watching the pile spill into the small glass contaner he thought about tubbo and how gratefull he was that the small boy had come into his life. After finally snapping back into reality he slowly got up and put the bottle in a draw under the desk. Stretching, he grabbed his watch and put it on seeing the time he decided to finally get dressed, he wondered over to the large wardrobe that sat across the room and with a big huff he grabbed an iconic grey suit and buttoned up his white cuffed shirt and strung his blood red tie around his neck leaving it dangling before opening the large brown door listening to it quietly creek. He stepped out into the looming hallway, sighing, he strated to chundle down the marble staircase making sure to not wake up the child sleeping only metres away.

Opening the kitchen door he walked in and grabbed two plates as well as a plastic cup and glass, he opened the bread basket and grabbed fore loafs of white bread then placed them into the toaster to cook. He opened a draw and grabbed a bottle of orange juice then swiftly poored it into the cups, setting them on the island-table top. Hearing the toast done schlatt picked up the slices and placed them equally on the plates grabbing butter from the fridge and spreading it on the crispy toast, he then placed them next to the juice. Finally done with that he sat down and shouted a name.


words: 514

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