hospital bed

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Opening the hospital doors Schlatt was greeted with a busy, loud and overwhelming enviroment of people crying and yelling, great. Walking in after slightly adjusting to the room, the man was met with a kind looking receptionist.

"hello? Full name and who youre here to see please"

After filling out what felt like millions of forms the lady lead Schlatt into a small blue room neatly decorated with little flowers and bees around the wall, a desk with a drink and some chocolate wrappers sat just next to the door, it lead up to a hospital bed, it was bland compared to the rest of the room but still looked quite comfortable esspecially for a child which is what he saw laying in it, tears in the small boys eyes. Tubbo?.

Scanning the room for a place to sit Schlatt decided on a dainty chair at the back of the room, grabbing it, he pulled it closer to the bed and sat down placing the bag of things infront of the bed.

"Hey mate, how you doing?"

Schlatt sat waiting for a response for a while, he never receved one so he just decided to give his son the things he brought hoping it would make him talk,

"Guess what i got?"

Tubbo sat up now, curious of what lay in the bag. Opening it, schlatt brought out a small, slightly dirty bee plush and placed it on Tubbos bed. Opening his eyes wide the boy pratically leaped onto it hugging it tight to his chest.

"I also got your favourite bedtime story, blanket, cup, ipad andddd,"

As Schlatt brought out the different items Tubbos amazement grew larger and larger wondering what magnificent item would be brought out next. Finally placing it on the bed, Schlatt revealed the object he had brought was Tubbos favourite night light, he'd had it since birth and cherished it almost more then he loved his blanket, it was a small thing but it had so much sentimental value to the boy and Schlatt knew that, he always had, it was like instinct.

Handing it to Tubbo, Schlatt chuckled, Tubbos expression said it all. Pratically launching himself at it, Tubbo held the light close to him smiling brightly pratically lighting up the room,

"Just Tubbo being Tubbo i suppose" schlatt thought to himself as he hummed at Tubbo.

It had been a few hours and it was finally Tubbos bedtime, plugging the nightlight in Schlatt kissed his sons forehead, read him a bedtime story after tucking him in and finally exiting the room down to the long hallway which he had entered from. Schlatt made his way down to the enterence of the hospital, checking out and leaving to his car, at this point the man was extremely hungry and decided to order a takeway before going to bed.

getting into his car he decided to put spotify on, searching for the song hed listened to on the way to the building, he added it to a playlist- along with other songs- and titled it "𝚃𝚞𝚋𝚋𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜" before shuffling the playlist and listening to the words as he drove.

"We'll meet again, dont know where dont know when..."

Old, retero songs reminded Schlatt of Tubbo, they were mainly sappy songs that normally wouldnt have a meaning but to Schlatt they ment alot and he enjoyed listening to them quite alot, he hoped Tubbo would have the same love for them in the future or at least somewhat like them, he'd not listened to the rest of the song and before he could remember a new song had already started playing...

"Before you go to sleep, send a little prayer"

The man started humming along with the song, its low-beat tune and calm voice relaxed him, making him feel much better about the incident.

"Everyday, in every way, it gets better and better"

The chorus was his favourite part, it reminded him so much of Tubbo and how he loved him, it was heartwarming.

"beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy~"

As the music faded out, Schlatt pulled into his driveway and took a deep breathe, driving was such a calming way for Schlatt to let out steam but afterwards he'd remember what had happened prior and start to break down, this was no different, it was a new way of breaking down for him, he'd never really cry but because of the stress from the hospital bills, Tubbo's health, mental health and even simple things like his food intake all dawned on Schlatt at the same time making him burst out into hysterics, he pratically fell out into the driveway and slumped into the house almost collapsing onto the hallway. In a fit of hunger and sadness he had ordered a chinese takeaway, getting whatever was first onto the menu then throwing the phone across the room and crying into the couch cushions.

~Words: 819~

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