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|Yoohyeon & SuA|

Yoohyeon was always protective of SuA whenever it came to people or comments saying bad things and hurting SuA.

It was something that she has done with her friends as well, but especially with SuA. Protecting her of anything bad.

But today was especially worse than anything she had witnessed.

Right now the girls were happily exchanging loving words to their fans that came to meet them.

They were all happily taking photos and signing their fans albums with either words of encouragement or drawing small animals that represented them in the group.

SuA was finishing signing an album and drawing a small bird when suddenly someone threw eggs at her from the crowd in front.

Gasps were heard and angry fans were talking over each other demanding who threw those eggs.

The girls were in complete utter shock. SuA was in shock. Yoohyeon was in shock and in disbelief at what just happened.

This had never happened, not even when they had haters, non of them ever went this far.

Something snapped inside Yoohyeon. "WHO THE HELL THREW THOSE EGGS!!"

The girls and the fans looked at her in shock. This was the first time Yoohyeon has ever raised her voice, startling the fans and girls when her voice boomed through the room.

"Who the fuck threw those fucking eggs!"

Not wanting to be there any longer SuA got up from her seat. Gahyeon who was near her was about to reach for her hand. But SuA was quick enough and ran out the room with tears threatening to fall.

SuA ran all the way back, far from everyone, where they wouldn't be able to find her. Her breath quicken at the anxiety she was feeling and she could still feel it, she could feel it suffocating her.

"Please..." SuA began to mutter, the feeling of not being to properly breath and catch her breath scaring her.

"Bora!" Yoohyeon began to call for her. Yoohyeon countinued to run farther back, away from everyone because she knew that SuA would have done that. She would've liked to be left alone and cry.

Panic coursed through Yoohyeon, if she didn't find her soon enough SuA may have a hard time to breathe and may possibly pass out. She didn't want that to happen, not when SuA was easily hurt.

Yoohyeon continued to call out her name when she heard a cry coming beside a box full of cables, hidden from people.

She slowly walked to her, kneeling down to wrap her in her arms.

"Yoohyeon!" SuA cried into her chest. Yoohyeon just hugged her in her arms, rubbing her back to calm her down.

"Shh, it's okay now." She whispered softly, scared to let go of her, she wanted to keep her safe in her arms where no one can hurt her, where she would be safe of all bad things in the world.

SuA continued to sob against her chest, breath going uneven when she wasn't able to catch her breath.

She was scared, not because of the eggs thrown at her, she was scared of getting hurt. Sure being in a group and in the kpop industry, there is bound to be haters.

And that was fine, she understood that when she decided to become a singer. But still, it hurt. Why waste your precious time on hate? What did that do in the end? It got so many angels killed in the very end. So many angels that had no fault.

SuA didn't want to experience that. Yoohyeon didn't want her to got through that.

Yoohyeon pulled away to see SuA's red puffed eyes. It broke Yoohyeon at the sight.

She cupped her cheeks making her look into her eyes. "No matter what happens, or the hate you get. I'll always be there to protect you, okay."

SuA nodded not trusting her voice at the moment.

Yoohyeon brought her in her arms, cradling her until she fell asleep from crying.

Yoohyeon decided to promise one thing and that was, "I'll always be there for you, even if I have to take an arrow to not see you cry."

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