DC imagine 50 & authors note

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I won't be posting for a while since I'm going to Mexico for a wedding, but while I'm there I'm going to continue writing (obviously) which is why I'm not going to update Hollow & Egoist since I'm not quite satisfied yet on what I've written.

So yeah. I hope u guys at least enjoy the imagines I've written 😊

|Dami & Gahyeon|

Dami scrolled through the tv, nothing catching her interest. She let out a sigh before turning it off and falling back to bed.

Who would have thought that her usual morning's would become so boring without the presence of her precious girlfriend Gahyeon.

Currently, Gahyeon was on a two week trip with her unnies in Jeju island, she would have gone if it weren't for her fear of airplanes.

"Gahyeon..." she whispers as she turns to their nightstand to look at a photo of them smiling happily.

Dami huffed pouting her lips cutely.


"Hurry back home." She whined as she sadly went under the covers, hopelessly wishing her Gahyeon would come sooner into her arms.

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