DC imagine 6

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|The beginning of a love story
Handong & Yoohyeon|

The school bell rang echoing through the now empty halls. Handong however walked slowly to her class not giving a damn if she was late, she wasn't about to run early in the morning.

Handong was near her classroom when she heard a loud crash coming from the girls restroom. Curiously she goes to check it, out of curiosity. Blood. Blood was spilled in the white tiles, a girl with platinum, grayish hair laid unconscious on the bloody tiles.

Handong looks straight to see five girls staring back at her with shocked and scared faces. Handong walks over to them carful to not step on the unconscious girl.

"You did this didn't you." Walking over to a purple haired girl, who seemed to be the leader of the group.

"What if I did, what are going to do about it?" The purple haired girl gulped nervously. She was scared, she should be, I could beat her and her little groups asses.

Handong ignores her and looks at the girl who's blood was still spilling from her temple. She takes off her shirt folding it to put it in the girls bleeding head.

Handong stands up picking the girl bridal style, before she left she turns to look at the five girls.

"You'll pay for this." Without another word she leaves with the girl in her arms to the infirmary.

2 hours later

"Handong you should go back to class, you've done enough helping the girl." A middle aged lady says, watching as Handong sat next to the bed watching the girl carefully.

"I'm okay miss, I'll wait till she wakes up." She smiles kindly to the lady who just nods, leaving them alone.

Handong watches as the girls chest rise and fall. She looked peaceful, a beautiful creature.

"Why would those girls beat you up? Maybe they were jealous of your beauty." Handong questions, quietly whispering not wanting to wake the girl up.

10 minutes later

Handong looks up from her phone when she see the girl beginning to stir awake. She stands up getting the nurse, when a soft hand stops her from her tracks. Handong turns to look at the girl grabbing her arm, not letting go.

"Sorry, were you the one who brought me here?" Yoohyeon questions clearing her dried up throat.

Handong was speechless, her voice was like an angels, it was music to her ears.

Awkwardly clearing her throat she answers the girl. "Ah, yea-yeah it was me who carried you here." Handong awkwardly clears her throat, she was never this awkward when talking to someone, how all of the sudden she gets nervous by a stranger, not a stranger specifically a girl.

"The names Yoohyeon, Kim Yoohyeon." Yoohyeon smile shyly holding her hand out.

Kim Yoohyeon, oh my gawd, I think I'm in  love with you.

Shaking her hands shyly, I blush red as a tomato letting go of her soft  hands.

"I'm Handong, your savior princess."

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