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Change was something Siyeon hated. Sure change was sometimes good, but it could also be bad.

In her point of view, change was like packing your things to move to another country or city. Sometimes it was great she guessed.

But the more Siyeon and her girlfriend Handong talked about going long distance...was when Siyeon really despised change.

They have been talking for the past few months about the pros and cons about going long distance. The cons being more than the pros.

"I'll FaceTime you."

"You'll be busy."

Handong sighs. Siyeon was desperately trying to contain her tears.

Handong brings Siyeons warm hands unto her own.

She could clearly see how much this was affecting her girlfriend emotionally. And it hurt her. To see Siyeon so heartbroken and the unspoken words that would break them both apart, if spoken.

So instead, Handong takes a deep breath. She brings Siyeon into a warm embrace, the older not expecting it.

They both stay like that. Hugging each other, silent tears and unspoken 'I love you's' between them.

Handong was really leaving. Change was really happening. And they both hated it at that moment. That maybe their love story was coming to an end. That maybe they won't be having a happy ending.

So both Handong and Siyeon stay close. Closer than ever before for the last time. Because Handong was really leaving, she was going to be leaving Siyeon today.

I couldn't choose between a sad or happy ending. So I left as an ambiguous ending.

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